The last time we were gearing up to decide on a President, Kim & Jason was a fresh addition to the World Wide Web. An episode about the origins of Super J kicked things off, followed by stories about a Shy Flower and lemonade stand hijinks. Since then, we’ve come a long way. The average lifespan of a web site is only 45 days, which, I might add, is the same as that of a housefly. Four years later, readership has increased by leaps and bounds, and if we were up for re-election, I’m pretty sure we’d been voted in for at least another four. The election season has certainly caught my interest, and it appears it has done the same with many in our country. I’m depressed with the 24-hour-a-day news cycle making mountains out of every little molehill, and fascinated by pundits on both sides spinning the issues in ways that would make a merry-go-round envious. One of the little things that has intrigued me the most is how two people can see one particular issue in two vastly different lights. Like many, I am disappointed with the negativity and name-calling. I sure could use a little optimism. So, since I was so preoccupied last election season with figuring out how to keep a website alive for more than 45 days, I thought it might be fun to spin a little political yarn myself. But the Kim and Jason version would be without the partisanship, negativity and flip-flops (unless they’re the kind you wear on your feet.) I’m in the process of writing the episode right now, which is slated to debut in mid-August. I already have a few weeks completed, and I’m happy to leak the first tasty bit of gossip right here: Kim is contemplating a run for the White House. Nothing has been confirmed, but sources close to her indicate that she is taking aim at becoming the first female (and the youngest) President of the United States of America. If she does run, one of her biggest issues will be to support a Constitutional amendment to ban all forms of broccoli. So far I’ve had a blast looking at the election and politics from a child’s (and a skunk’s) perspective. It’s been refreshing, and somewhat cathartic for me. It should be a fun one. I hope you have an enjoyable time reading it. At least enough to support this comic strip for another four years.
- - - | written by Jason on | - - -
I just wanted to say good luck on writing your best-seller! I am very proud of you for everything that you have accomplished with your business. You are truely an inspiration to us all. Keep up the good work!
Super Sweet:)
Jason is the best cartoonist I know.