I am Superman. The "What Superhero Are You" quiz said that I was "mild-mannered, good, strong, and I love to help others."
It didn’t mention anything about being faster than a speeding bullet, but that goes without saying.
Since we’re on the subject of Superman, I warmly invite you to check out an old post I wrote about a ridiculously accurate sculpture of Christopher Reeve. And if you didn’t already hear, Superman is returning to theaters this summer. Here’s a cool early trailer that got me so excited I…I…watched it about 20 times. You tell me: is it a coincidence that the dialog on the trailer seems to echo the story about another guy who came to Earth a few thousand years ago to save its inhabitants?
I got 80% Superman and 80% Spider-man.
So I think I can fly AND I’m super athletic and can come up with great one-liners.
heh :)
I think it was pretty accurate – both of those heroes have huge moral stances (unlike say… batman), and have fairly bumbling alter-egos.
I’m 90% Spiderman – much power and responsibility. Hmm – I’ll have to look after that ;)
It does, doesn’t it?
I am Spiderman. I think that is rather cool since I have always liked Spiderman. I remember watching Spiderman as a kid and it brings back some great memories.
I was Superman – quite a fun little test!