An article in the Houston Chronicle by Nicki Britton got me thinking. The article, which appeared in the Food section, features a brand new cereal bar she says is ideal "for those too grown-up for Rice Krispie Treats."
I’ve got nothing against Special K — although it needs a few spoonfuls of sugar to make it palatable in my book — but upon reading this review, I can’t help but think:
Who’s too grown up for Rice Krispie Treats?
[tags]Rice Krispie Treats, Adultitis[/tags]
I came to your website b/c you’ll be speaking in Minneapolis at Annunciation, where my two youngest children attend school. Your blog is pretty funny. I don’t quite “get” the cartoon though, it doesn’t make me laugh—but then I don’t see myself as the child you’re showing in the comic. Thought I’d provide some feedback, goodness knows those of us in the arts need it!
I expect to never be too old for Rice Krispie treats. Thanks for making me laugh!