This week I dove into my beginner’s crochet book. After making a number of what Jason fondly referred to as “nose warmers,” I decided I was ready to try a blanket. About an hour into this I realized that I will probably be about 80 years-old when this blanket is finished. I know I will get faster but it is overwhelming at this stage in the game.
I had the chance to show Jason’s Grandma some of my work this weekend. She is a master! She was very cute because her face spoke the million words that she didn’t want to say. She was very encouraging, but I could see that I have a long way to go. The good news is that this has not discouraged me. It is actually motivating to me to embrace this challenge and keep trying. Good things are not always going to be attained easily. Learning a new hobby has given me the chance to remember this important life lesson.
I’m not sure why, but your thumb looks mutantly large in that photo. It took me awhile to notice the crocheted bracelet. Smile! You’ve got the thumb of a superhero!
Lucky for your readers they saw your thumb and not my nose. (wide len please).
Way to go Kim! Keep plugging along, you’ll get that blanket made.