In our speaking programs Jason and I share tons of tips (many from The Escape Plan) to give our audiences realistic ideas to bring back into their busy lives to help them stress less and have more fun. It’s one thing to talk about all of this… and it’s an entirely different thing to actually do something about it. We love talking to individuals afterwards as they share what action steps they are planning to adopt immediately on their fight against Adultitis.
One idea is the game “Hide Pokey.” Some of you long-time podcast listeners may remember this from one of our shows in ’05. You all know Pokey, from Gumby and Pokey fame? Well, this game is kind of like hide and seek (my all time favorite game from childhood), except instead of hiding and finding each other, you hide Pokey. One person starts out with the task of hiding Pokey in a place someone else will eventually find it. The person who finds Pokey is then in charge of hiding him again, as the game continues indefinitely. The fun comes when you’re pouring yourself a bowl of cereal, taking a shower, or making copies, and Pokey shows up unexpectedly, bringing with him a smile to brighten your day.
This game rocks because it’s a super simple way to add a bit of playfulness at home, work, or with friends and extended family, even. Jason and I started this game when we were dating after getting the idea from some college friends. Now over ten years later, we have gone through a handful of Pokeys. We’ll have a good laugh someday when we find those MIA Pokeys. Kind of like that last Easter egg you find in July behind the couch.
Our friend Eliz plays this game with her mom, hiding a ceramic hen in each other’s houses. We were sitting at her dining room table one night for dinner and she started laughing hysterically. She had not noticed until just then that the hen was in her china cabinet. Her sneaky mom had put it there over a week before. So fun!
One of my favorite hiding places was in Jason’s mashed potatoes. I carefully wrapped Pokey in a small piece of plastic wrap, placed him on the plate and put a glob of potatoes on top. All throughout dinner I could barely contain my excitement, anticipating Jason’s face. It was awesome! Like a confused puppy, he proceeded slowly prodding his fork, upon seeing something orange. He couldn’t believe it! It was the best hiding place yet. Of course I had protected Pokey so that he wouldn’t get gross, but plastic wrap in mashed potatoes is pretty gross itself.
An audience member from one of our fall gigs adopted the game right away and sent us a few emails recently about the newfound hyjinks Pokey has brought to her household…
“The Pokey you gave my family at your program has been a real hit since October! Pokey is going to be our family Christmas ‘gift’ to our family and friends. (A few of them have extreme cases of Adultitis!) We can’t wait to spread the joy of hiding/finding Pokey. He’s been found in our nativity sets, Christmas tree, and advent calendar… Pokey is everywhere! Thanks for the wonderful idea of Pokey!”
Shortly after Christmas we heard from her again…
“Everyone has been so excited about receiving Pokey!! I’ve had several requests for more Pokeys! They are loving him!! I had one friend decide to order 20 of them herself. Pokey is getting around, and adults (and kids) are having an enormous amount of fun with him!”
It’s all about adding more fun to your daily routine. What an easy way to smile more. And who says fun has to be expensive?! For under two bucks, people all over the world have been stressing less and having more fun… all because of a silly game. Of course, you can use any type of little trinket to play. We love Pokey because he’s small, bendable, waterproof, and did I mention cute? If you decide to adopt an orange pony yourself, you can pick one up here. Happy hiding!
That is SO funny! My husband and I had a similar game going for a long time.
Many years ago my husband punched ‘I love you more’ onto one of those oversized magnet strip tapes. He stuck it on the fridge. I couldn’t let him get away with such an outlandish lie so I hid it in the pocket of his Navy uniform. A few mornings later I found it in the egg carton. And the game began.
Once, right after a trip to the grocery store, I opened a new tub of coffee grounds just enough to slide the maganet in. When he went to open it the next morning, it stilled looked like an unopened tub. To this day he still doesn’t know how I got it in there.
Thanks for reminding me! It has been missing for a while now. I will have to go look for it and start the game all over again!
You guys are GREAT!
Kim: I think you should share your “Stinky” pelt hid and seek game with your fans.
That tub of coffee story should win an award of some sort… best hide or something! I hope you and your husband start it back up. I bet your kids would love to play also! Thanks for sharing!
Yes, thanks for reminding me! Jason’s two brothers and their wives and us have a game going with a real skunk pelt. We hide it each other’s homes! It has turned up in beds, on top of dressers, in closets. I received the pelt from my mother and father-in-law for Christmas ’06. Over the years they have greatly contributed to a skunk collection I have. When they saw the pelt, they knew it would be a unique addition to my collection. So fun!
I’m super stoked. I found a Gumby to hide along with Pokey at work! Hopefully I find Pokey next.
My husband and I take many road trips with our very best friends. After one trip wanting to give us gas money, a ten dollar bill was left in our car. Not wanting to keep it, we wrote, “You just don’t learn” and hid it in their house. This started our game of hide and seek. Each time one couple found it they would write something clever on it and re-hide it. For example: I hid it in a their house plant…they wrote, “nice plant!” they stuck it in the corner of the mirror, we wrote “here’s looking back at you”. (one rule-it had to be visible). After defacing the Hamilton bill so there was no more room to write, I put it in a frame and presented it to them for Christmas. It was always such a grin to see if it could be hidden without being busted by the other couple.
I am super excited to start this game with my 12 year old daughter today! I had the privilege of getting to hear Jason speak yesterday in Effingham, IL. Thank you guys for opening my eyes to Adultitis! I am looking forward to “breaking the rules” and making some extra fun memories with my daughter!
COOLEST game ever!! Can’t wait
To play going to hid it somewhere and leve a note what this game is for the new movers moving on!