There are few days where you are encouraged to have fun and fight your Adultitis, and April 1st is one of them.
Everyone knows someone who LOVES April Fool’s Day. That person in my life has been my dad. The “worst” one was when we were in grade school. He told us when we woke up that school was closed because it had snowed all night long. It was a snow day! Woo Hoo! Of course, we’d forgotten that it was April 1st, and we ran excitedly to the window to see all of the glorious snow that we’d be playing in all day… to find nothing but grass. April Fools!!
My oldest sister caught the bug from my dad and has enjoyed playing tricks on her husband over the years… everything from plastic wrap on the toilet seat, to vaseline on the door knobs. The best, though, is hearing the hyjinks between my sister and my dad. She’s tricked him into thinking so many crazy, unbelievably outlandish things on April Fool’s Day.
What childlike playfulness!
Don’t forget to have some fun today – just because you can! This is the perfect day to bring out that food coloring for dinner… and while you’re at it, why not use dog dishes instead of plates.
Here are a few extreme examples. They might help you appreciate your coworkers today.
What kind of April Fool’s Day fun are YOU having?
I am so happy to have found your blog! Curing Adultitis is one of my favorite causes. Keep doing what you’re doing – very inspirational. Love it!
P.S. – I gave you a link on my travel blog in the hopes that everyone I know will check out your site. :)
I am SO loving the tinfoil…I think I’m just gonna watch The Office and call it good for the day…and thank goodness I am not in Corporate America struggling to keep some small amount of childlike sanity!
Love the fun of today. Caught today’s Price is Right where they had a fake showcase. It was pretty obvious at the end with a trip to “Bogusvillania” but because they taped before April Fools they really caught the lady off guard. Maybe next year you guys can try a podcast or something and try the same thing.
It was certainly a new idea for the pranksters. :)
That is way too funny… I just couldn’t imagine the time it would take to clean up after some of those pranks.