One of the things that stops my 3-week-old daughter Lucy in her tracks are lights. Especially Christmas tree lights. Mesmerized, her little eyes widen as she focuses her gaze on the menagerie of tiny lights.
I am aware that most babies are probably attracted to lights, but I still think there is a lesson here for us grown-ups. God is often associated with light, even calling himself the “Light of the World.” We often hear stories that when people get to the end of life, they are comforted by and drawn to a light that calls them home.
Forgive the obvious connection, but it seems to me that we get in the most trouble when we follow the dark paths, associate with shady people, and get lured down blind alleys.
Maybe babies intuitively know that the key to a content, captivating, and happy life is to follow the light.
The last half of 2008 ended with a lot of uncertainty, anxiety, and fear. In the year ahead, stay hopeful, keep your eyes on God, and I have a feeling that things will work out just fine.
At least that’s what Lucy tells me.
frenchtoastgirl says
Sorry for being late, but WOOOOOO! CONGRATULATIONS! What a sweetheart Lucy is! As someone whose name also means light, I offer this to Lucy: “Let your light so shine before men, and glorify your Father, who is in heaven.” Let that light shine, Lucy!
Happy New Year, and enjoy that scrumptious baby all you can.
♥ Elena
Steven says
What is it about people that, as we get older, we seem to forget what we intuitively knew as babies and young’uns? That’s one thing I love about this site…it reminds us about all that stuff, so we don’t forget it.
I also wholeheartedly agree with Elena. Let that light shine!
2ThePoint says
She’s so beautiful. Adorable.
Lynne says
She is getting cuter and cuter. And Jason, there is so much truth in what you say. If we could only prevent our children from straying down the same dark paths we did, life would be so much simpler for us parents.
Mary Buggé says
Ah! That explains it you know. It’s all right there in her name don’t ya know? He is the light, she is drawn to the light. The meaning of the name Lucy is light! (derivative of Lucia, also my birth mother’s name) Coincidence? Nah! Blessing on you all!
Mary Buggé
Kate says
When I was little I used to love to lay down under the Christmas tree and stare up at the lights until the year I need glasses I than found out that if I took my glasses off and sat across the room and squinted the tree became one big blur of beautiful colors…that’s what I wish for everyone this New Year that the world blends into one HUGH beautiful color.
Lynn says
Oh, she is sooooo cute! The little creases halfway up the forearm are my favorite. I remember when my kids got big enough that those faded away. Bittersweet days :)
Donna Wallis says
Congratulations on your beautiful LIGHT OF YOUR LIFE!!!
What a special gift!