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In this episode Kim & Jason talk about their brand of computers, the all time greatest childlike food, and keeping your New Year’s Revolution. Feel free to give us feedback by leaving a comment below (or in the video itself — just click the little plus sign in the player.)
Weekly Poll
Ice Cream Cones or Chocolate Chip Cookies?
- Chocolate Chip Cookies (58%, 39 Votes)
- Ice Cream Cones (42%, 28 Votes)
Total Voters: 67

The sticker might be better placed centered over the apple. That might be a bit more entertaining, because I’m guessing the sticker might be glowing in the middle. Just a suggestion.
Better yet, get a PC. They work better, in my experience. :-)
(although, to be fair, I will admit that the last time I really worked with a Mac was in 2000, so they may be a bit better now…although the newest Macs I’ve seen don’t label their icons…so how are you supposed to know what program a certain icon represents if it isn’t one of the more recognizable ones?)
Was it me, or were Doug and Lucy both more vocal in this one? Like uncle, like niece? :-)
Oh, and your comments on how we don’t need to be perfect reminded me of a quote from a wise sage (my big brother), “We’re not looking for ferpection.”
I was happy to see that I agreed with you guys on several of the foods that should have won but didn’t.
One thing on ketchup…I don’t eat it by itself, but when I was little, we used to have it on plain scrambled eggs. That is great! We had it that way again this Christmas (hadn’t done that in years), and I’ve made it since then. Yummm!!!
I was glad, though, that ketchup didn’t make it past the first round. That was a little weird since it doesn’t generally stand on its own. Well, being a liquid and not having legs and feet, it’s kinda hard for it to stand at all, on its own or otherwise.
PS. I’m amused how Lucy looks like a rich heiress in the picture… :-)
I’ve been a macophile since the eighties. I’ve done a lot of temp work and been forced to work with pcs (yuck) In my opinion Bill Gates should have been fined for setting the computer industry back 20 years by clinging to DOS. Every MAC I’ve ever had (I started with and SEII) STILL WORKS!!!! I don’t use them because they are outdated and the new ones are much faster.
In every way that counts – quality of construction, ease of use, speed etc. MACS RULE!!!
Uh Oh, looks like we’ve got one of those Mac Vs. PC wars going on.
This could get ugly. Especially, if people continue to buy PC’s at an alarming rate. (zing authored on a Mac. Go Macs!)
The only way to settle this is a loser leaves town, hair vs. hair, steel cage grudge match!
Also, I will forever stand by my stance that Ketchup deserved to be in this competition. The title clearly states… All-Time Greatest Childhood Food and not the All-Time Greatest Childhood Meal. If that were the case the only possible winner would be the Happiest of Meals (The Happy Meal).
K & J,
Great show. I must say, ketchup is a food. In fact, I read somewhere that you could put ketchup on your ketchup (and yes, I would eat it with a spoon). Also, Webster’s defines a food as, “Any sustenance eaten in great quantities by at least 5 children of the same family.” That’s settled.
Mentioning fun ways to be healthy is good considering I have to run several miles a day to stay in shape. Running just to run is like stapling post-it notes to my forehead so, anything to make being healthy fun is awsome. I thought of a good way to work out and eat cookies at the same time. If you chew super fast, you could burn more calories than are in the cookie! I smell a book deal.
OMG — I wasn’t slamming your choice of an Apple vs. a PC laptop. How funny!!! I was just amazed that you were sporting anyone’s logo on the laptop instead of your own. Until Dell or Apple pays any of us to advertise for them (oh how yucky adult) I prefer to promote my favorite New Year’s Philosophy! Love the sticker, though, anywhere on your laptop!
You guys are such a cute couple!!!
Seeing Lucy with Gary makes me think of the others who’ve had their pictures taken with him. You can see some of these photos on our Kim & Jason fan page on Facebook.
This PC & Mac computer war is cracking me up, but that’s not the point of my post.
In the show you made the comment about going to Florida for a McDonald’s. I just wanted to let you know I watched a Travel Channel episode about the top ten most unique McDonald’s and one of them was in Florida. It was unique because it has the BIGGEST playroom of all the McDonald’s. I can’t remember what was all in it but it a ton more toys and games to play than Chuck E’ Cheese. I believe it was in Cocoa Beach, FL. But if you guys are going to FL you might want to check it out.
Also, Kim, I agree with you. Ketchup is not really a food. I liked/like to eat it without a lot of foods but not really as its own food.
That’s all for now! Keep up the great show!
Just thought I’d post this from my PC with Windows 98 that (drumroll please) STILL WORKS!!!! I don’t use it as much because it is outdated and the newer ones are much faster. :) Take THAT, Mac lovers!
This is kinda fun.
…and speaking of McDonald’s, “Playplace” is really fun to say. :)
Oh, and Judy has a good point about featuring other logos. If this silly fairness doctrine (in my opinion, a sure sign of adultitis) gets reinstated, you may have to give equal time to PCs…