There are a ton of rules that don’t exist. You know, passed-down traditions, silly wives tales, societal expectations, and self-limiting beliefs that people adhere to even though there are not real consequences for breaking them (at least once in a while.)
- Thou shall not eat dessert first.
- Thou shall always make thy bed.
- Thou shall take yourself seriously.
It is our deep hope that calling them out will open the eyes of people to the limitations they are needlessly living under and inspire them to break free and live better stories.
Got a rule that doesn’t exist you’d like to share? Awesome!
Submit it using the form below. I can’t make any promises that I’ll post it, but I will definitely look at everything that gets submitted. Your odds will definitely go up if you include a good photo, however.
BISE says
Hi, I also have mine own blog and I would like to write on it what I found on yours. You wrote interesting things and I want to use your words on my blog. Is that OK?? Thank you.
Jason says
Sure. Please give us credit with a link back here! Thanks!