In this episode we talk about how to create more time for yourself, Lucy’s first stroller ride, Valentine’s Day memories, and reveal the candy hearts winner. Give us feedback by leaving a comment below (or in the video itself — just click the little plus sign in the player.)
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Weekly Poll
What do you think about the length of the show?
- Just Right (77%, 17 Votes)
- Too Long (23%, 5 Votes)
- Too Short (9%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 22

Weekly Giveaway
This week we’re giving away a Bubble Scrubber from the Kim & Jason Lemonade Stand. To enter, just leave a comment in the show notes below. The winner will be announced during next week’s show, and we’ll contact the winner by e-mail to find out where to send the prize. Deadline for entries is Wednesday, Feb. 18.
Hi guys,
I had trouble putting gloves on my son when he was little, so to keep his hands warm, I put his baby socks on his hands. They stayed on well and you can put many layers on depending on the temperature.
And Doug, I’ve read that theobromine, an ingredient found in dark chocolate, helps suppress a cough. I’m sure you can find plenty of dark chocolate on after-Valentine’s-Day sales racks.
Hey K&J, Lucy, Doug, et al – Love the show!
Doug: Hot green chili works Great for colds!
Candy hearts: If you “like the idea, but don’t like the taste”, try Sweet Tarts brand, which amazingly taste like Sweet Tarts rather than “chalk”.
Lucy: Does it really need to be said, that Lucy is a cute kid?
Hi! This is my very first time watching one of your videos! I thoroughly enjoyed watching the two of you interact with each other. It makes me feel like I know you a little better know. The clips you show after some of your comments are hilarious to me! The little boy in A Christmas Story, where he bundled up for school always brings a chuckle from me. I think Lucy looked clothed just perfect for her stroller rides. My only suggestion for a cold is Saline Nasal Spray, hot tea with honey and lemon and lots of rest. LOL Thanks for
making my day brighter with your fun video. Cindi
I voted that the show is too short because I could watch you both all day, so much fun!
Hi – i haven’t finished watching the video yet – but i will. in the meantime, i 2nd the socks for lucy. I put socks on the boys’ hands instead of mittens. Socks work wonderfully, and look pretty darn cute!
p.s. Are you wearing any mascara today? ;-)
rule of thumb for kids is one extra layer more than you
i think the topics on the show are great… it is good to come home from a rough day of a toy buyers world to find out how to get more time in the day!
a way that i have found to create more time in the day was to ask for help! not in the whiny 6 yr old way of i dont want to do things, but the 2-3 year old way of teaching someone. by showing someone else how to help out they can always make suggestions that might be better than the current way of things.
Great job! Just thought I’d point out that “The Lucy Show” is already taken…Lucille Ball beat you to the punch (and if she drank from the bowl and it still has the same punch in it, I think it’s time to throw it out).
I’m sure the weather warmed up in preparation for my visit to the Chicago area. :) The Midwest is so hospitable! I am a bit northwest of Chicago as we speak (er, type).
Doug, my mom had a cold a couple weeks ago, and whatever she took, she was rid of it almost the next day. Once I get back to Seattle, I’ll have to check with her what she took. I have heard that tea with honey is great.
Kim’s comment about chalk explained a lot about the white candy hearts. Maybe that’s why I don’t like the taste of the white ones.
Oh, and Kim, you normally wear mascara??
Another cool thing about the number 11…it’s the number of the month I was born!
Another thing about yoyos, according to, apparently we get the word “yoyo” from the Ilokano (“EE-lo-KAH-no”) language, one of the more common languages in the Philippines. (They have over 100 native languages…but there are a few that are much more common than others. The most common one is Tagalog.) I knew English got a word from Tagalog (boondocks, which comes from “bundok”, or mountain), but I didn’t know we got a word from Ilokano! Cool! (Incidentally, the Ilokano word for “yoyo” is, surprisingly, “yoyo”)
Just thought of a few things about the show the length is just right I usally listen to it while checking emails I mininize your window and if my boss is around I pause it quick. Just kidding I really only pause it when people want to talk to me, AND I want to listen. I got an idea for your show. You have skinky in the background there I think I actually saw a comment pop up while Jason did the “marvous” job of saying Kim did not need make up. Maybe Doug could add a few skinky comments to the show. He always added so wise philosophical statements to the comic strip. Why silence him now. Let the skunk out!
J & Kim: The length of the show is just fine, although, Jason does seem to go on and on… and on sometimes. Luckily, Kim recovers nicely. I got some great deals at the Lemonade Stand. Looking forward to making some awesome mac and cheese dishes from my new cookbook.
Doug: You may be low on zinc. Add a supplement as well as some quality meat, seafood (especially shellfish, oysters). Many veggies, legumes and grains contain phytates which will bond to zinc and block it from being absorbed so if you’ve added more of that to your diet recently, it may help to add a supplement. Also, if your new house has copper piping, it may be adding copper to your body which will counteract zinc. Again, add a supplement. If you notice any problems with things like wound healing, night vision, or sense of smell, you have even more indication of zinc deficiency. Now, please stop interrupting the show with your disgusting hacking.
Lucy: Don’t worry, Auntie Sarah will buy you some appropriate gloves.
hey Jason and Kim the show was very blessing because u talk about life and i really need it and thank u for all u do the comic strips was a blessing and god is always on my side and thank u again