In this episode, we’re on location in Fort Worth, Texas. We show clips from Lucy’s first flight and share some tips on how to make traveling less stressful. Give us feedback by leaving a comment below (or in the video itself — just click the little plus sign in the player.)
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Gumby or Pokey?
- Pokey (53%, 24 Votes)
- Gumby (49%, 22 Votes)
Total Voters: 45

Linkety Links
- Kim & Jason Lemonade Stand Renovation Sale
- Club K&J: Top 13 Inspiring Movies
- Club K&J: Monsters (Page 11)
That’s funny because while I was in Michigan vacationing, I was eating something sticky and a newly placed bridge fell out. The kids were like,”Oh no! We’re not going to have to go back and get it fixed are we?” I just continued the trip and had it fixed when we got back. (The dentist wasn’t too happy about it though. lol!)
At one point, the thought came to me…”Jason fell down and broke his crown”…hopefully Kim didn’t come tumbling after.
AAAHHH!!! The suspense is killing me! I keep thinking I’m gonna find out who won, and I keep hearing “Next week”! It’s like waiting for the 6th Harry Potter movie, which was supposed to come out on my birthday. Hopefully we won’t have to wait until July to find out who won the paper towel holder, though. You’re doing a great job of giving us to practice the childlike anticipation that you (Jason) wrote about a few months ago. :-)
Speaking of childlike, it’s snowing!!
Did you guys go to the Horticultural Gardens (I think that’s they’re called) in Fort Worth? I highly recommend them. I have pictures of my visit on my facebook. I especially enjoyed taking pictures and feeding the fish.
Great idea to wear pants that don’t require a belt when traveling… I had to take my belt off when I went through security a few weeks ago.
As for the guy in the car with the Jesus fish, my brother purposely doesn’t display Christian symbols or bumper stickers on his car…he doesn’t flip people off, but he doesn’t want to be caught speeding or accidentally doing something else that would be frowned upon, and then people think, “Oh, that’s how Christians are.” (When I get a car, I probably won’t put any of those on it either.) Plus, when you sell the car, what if the next person doesn’t like the fish/stickers? I might think twice about buying a car that has bumper stickers on it for religions or causes or political parties that I disagree with. So yeah…bumper stickers and fish are cool, but I’m not crazy about putting them on cars.
I did miss Doug…it just wasn’t the same without him. It looked like Jason was filming himself at one point. Although I didn’t miss the half-eaten apple on that silly boat anchor you call a computer that’s usually in the show. :-) (ducks for cover…Kidding! AAAAHHHHH!!!!)
Great podcast! Lucy is absolutely beautiful. Her smile can melt anyone’s heart! Watch out dad when she’s about 16! LOL Hope you guys are doing well.
Hey K & J
I LOVE how Lucy’s smiles make Jason stop mid sentence- too cute. Someone has her daddy wrapped around her finger. Also, this is the first time I heard Jason refer to you, Kim, as “mom.” I think parenting is fitting you two perfectly.
Hey, loved the show and your daughter is so adorable. Thank you for the tips on how to travel with small children, and the reminder to “take the time to give ourselves the time to enjoy the journey”. I would love to get some more travel tips if you have any.
Thanks again for the blessing of your show and sharing your experience with us.