Typically, couch potatoes are people who spend a lot of time in front of the television. And many people have blamed television and video games as a major reason for the rise in childhood obesity in this country.
But your television can actually serve as a catalyst to help you lose those unwanted pounds AND bring your family closer together.
Don’t believe me? Then you’ve obviously never strapped a white Nintendo Wii controller to your wrist. Mickey DeLorenzo is a regular guy from South Philadelphia who lost weight with his beloved Wii and had fun doing it. In 2006, he began his “Wii Sports Experiment,” in which he simply added 30 minutes of Wii Sports to his day for six straight weeks. Pounds melted away and a media onslaught followed.
We caught up with Mickey for an interview. We asked him about the details of his workout regime, his favorite Nintendo game, and got him to share some tips for people who’d like to try using their Wii to get fit.
Run Time: 20 minutes, 52 seconds
Great article, and thanks for sharing. It is so important to “get moving” in our lives. It’s great that Mickey’s story can inspire so many others to “get moving and have fun doing it”. Now that the winter duldrums are going away for so much of the country, it is so wonderous to get outside and enjoy God’s rebirth to His planet during this Springtime. Let’s all get out there and enjoy it just like we did when we were kids!! Ride our bikes, run in the fields, play kickball!! It can be just as much fun now as it was when we were 10.
Amen, Rich!
Not many people know that so can lose weight by playing Wii So Now I can prove them wrong!