In this episode, we talk about meekends, chat with an “expert” on taking time off, and discuss pig latin and Lucy’s first trip to the zoo. Please leave a comment below the show notes or in the video itself (just click the little plus sign in the player.)
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Imkay, Imkay, Imkay! Ouyay avehay oubletray eadingray Igpay Atinlay? (Iyay upposesay Asonjay ouldcay useay omesay acticepray ootay. I’may adglay otay earhay Ougday isay oremay uentflay. Ancay Ilgay eakspay itay? Owhay outabay ehtay ultitisaday uygay?) I was also quite shocked that someone doesn’t know what Pogs are. But then, my mom asked me this past week who the Mario Brothers are…so I guess there are still holdouts on just about anything…
At first, I thought “meekends” were a mix of the words “meek” and “weekend”…so we have to be meek all weekend. “Me” works too. :-)
PS. Jason…it’s omeawesay.
I am appalled that I would be incriminated in the Knox Blox incident….I of course was a perfect child and never would have done something like that…nor would I have ever even suggested to my brothers to do something so wrong….much like the time they took the screen out of their window and threw their he-man guys out into the bushes below… fact I remeber telling them what a bad idea it was (as I was handing them the screw driver) :) Hey no one said being the oldest didn’t have its advantages!!
Oops…make that “ethay Ultitisaday Uygay”, not “ehtay ultitisaday uygay”… How embarassing.
Gil looks an aweful lot like The Adultitis Guy. I think you may have an impostor.
And, on a side note, Helicopters ended up winning by a whole vote! I’d have to say that I’m not surprised – I think helicopters are way cooler.
Lucy’s getting so big! Blink again and she’ll be filming her own shows.