So my buddy Brett Farmiloe spotted one of our books out in the wild at a book store in San Diego. As an author, it is very exciting to see one of your babies all grown up and out on its own. Also interesting to see what kind of company he is keeping. (Feel free to add any humorous captions in the comments.)
P.S. Good news! You don’t have to be in San Diego to pick up one of these mini Escape Adulthood books. You can find them at the Lemonade Stand or They’re tiny, colorful, contain some great tips, and make great gifts. (Can’t confirm whether or not they’ll help you have better sex, however.)
P.S.S. The more I think about it, the more I object to the book Sex For Dummies. I don’t think Dummies should be having sex. It could be why we have as many problems as we do…
Actually, I’m laughing more about your book’s proximity to the Darwin Awards book. The awards are given to those whose example we probably should NOT follow in our daily lives. Whereas, the Escape Adulthood book gives us examples we SHOULD follow! Maybe the bookstore is trying to say “Don’t do that, do this!”
Are the Darwin Awards the end result of Sex for Dummies who were trying to Escape Adulthood? Makes you think…. ;-)
The Sex for Dummies book is definitely an example of the Descent of Man. If more people were to Escape Adulthood, there might be a book about the Ascent of Man. Oh wait, Escape Adulthood is about the ascent of man. :-)