I saw someone get really bad news today.
It was upsetting to witness.
We were walking along the always interesting State Street, Madison’s hot spot for fun and folly. This woman in her mid-20s was on her cell phone and it was obvious that she had just received news that would change her life. She stood there devastated, crying and hiding her face from the crowded street, shuddering into her boyfriend’s arms. I couldn’t help but wonder. What happened?
Did her mom die? Was her best friend in a terrible accident? Did she just find out she has a life-threatening illness? What?
Whatever it was — it was big.
I was immediately unsettled.
Less than 30 seconds after seeing her, we walked by a guy who had a shirt on that said “live life.”
There — in those two simple words — was the instant answer to my feelings of helplessness and sadness.
Everyone gets at least one of those phone calls in their lifetime. It’s just part of life. You can’t dwell on if or when or what the call will reveal.
All you can do is LIVE LIFE.
The challenge is to do it as well as you can, while you can.
it was 6 years ago when i got my phone call…i was in my mid-20’s. i actually just had my essay posted on thisibelieve.org…it’s titled “i believe i must live for today.”
Jodie – I’m so sorry about your phone call. I followed your link and read your beautiful insights. It sounds like you are truly living in the moment. The way you live your life is a gift to both your sister and her husband. Thanks for sharing and keep living life so richly.
Kim and Jason,
Just a note to tell you how much I enjoy your newsletter. My husband and I have recently been blessed with our first grandchild, an adorable little girl named Vivien Elizabeth. That makes your articles even more timely for me. I especially liked the one about what kind of legacy we want to leave. I saw you at a wellness seminar in Shawano, WI last year and purchased one of your books. Keep up the good work! (How’s that for “teacher-ese”?) :)Karen
Karen- Congratulations, Grandma, on your little Vivien!!! What a blessing!! Thanks for your nice message! I’m so glad our paths have crossed. Keep us posted on how much fun you’re having with that little granddaughter of yours!!!
a friend shared this post with me MONTHS ago, and i have to make a comment…
i’ve gone back to this post fairly frequently since i read it. it’s been a bit of a reminder to something my grandfather told me 2 weeks before he passed away (which happened a year ago this month – Dec 10). he said “remember, no matter what you do from this point forward, always do two things: LIVE your life, and LOVE it.”
this post has helped me mourn his passing while reminding me of what he said. thank you.