Kim & Jason Nation is a playful group of fun folks who share a joyful, indomitable childlike spirit and are not afraid to let that spirit come out to play! They’re united by a common goal of fighting Adultitis and the doo-doo heads who embrace its ideals. Quite frankly, they’re pretty much the coolest people on the planet. Here’s one right now…
• My hometown is… Milwaukee,WI
• My biggest dream is… to retire by an ocean and make jewelry.
• My inspiration… my grandchildren
• When I was a kid, I… danced on stage.
• One way I stay childlike is… Be a silly grandma to my grandchildren.
• What I know so far… You don’t have to grow up and grow old, just grow up and be silly! That’s why my grandchildren call me “Silly Grandma!” And I love it!
• My favorite things about “Kim & Jason” is… They give me permission to be me!
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Rock on Linda!! I love your spirit!!
My latest bout of silliness? This past weekend, with two of my kids (all of us in costume)…to walk in a parade!! Loads of fun!!! –> which is exactly as life should be!!
Indeed, Lance, indeed!
Love the outfit Linda. Silliness rules! The problem with the world is that there aren’t enough silly people in it. Silly people are happy people. It’s hard to be silly and serious at the same time. Thank you K&J for all your silliness. We love you.
Thanks Shirley — we love you too!