Kim & Jason Nation is a playful group of fun folks who share a joyful, indomitable childlike spirit and are not afraid to let that spirit come out to play! They’re united by a common goal of fighting Adultitis and the doo-doo heads who embrace its ideals. Quite frankly, they’re pretty much the coolest people on the planet. Here’s one right now…
• My hometown is… Richmond, VA
• My biggest dream… has been to become an astronaut. My dream has changed over time but I’m still fascinated by space nonetheless. My entire bedroom is done in space-themed décor, right down to the 2’ LEGO Yoda and the “I Dream of Jeannie” Barbie standing next to the Mercy astronaut G.I. Joe.
• My inspiration… is Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the 2nd man to walk on the moon. He inspired me because he took with him to the moon Communion that his Presbyterian minister had blessed and subsequently Buzz celebrated Communion on the moon. This showed me that no matter how big my dreams might be, God is bigger still – and able to fulfill my dreams beyond all imagining.
• When I was a kid, I… actually wanted to be a paleontologist and capture the Loch Ness monster. I wouldn’t hurt it, just study it a while then set it free again. I held onto this dream for many years and although it eventually morphed into exploring space (which has since morphed into other things), my love of dinosaurs – and Nessie – is going strong.
• One way I stay childlike is… by always traveling with Jimi, my teddy bear of 27 years…and that’s holding him in my hands, not in my luggage. Doing this has led to my being searched in every international airport through which I’ve traveled.
• What I know so far… God is good, all the time. If I stop looking at the world through childlike eyes, I become blind to His goodness.
• My favorite things about “Kim & Jason” is… they keep it real. They understand life is all about the journey and they live every moment encouraging others to hold on and enjoy the ride.
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omg i totally need a kitty hat.
Oh I bring a teddy bear (or two) on trips, too! Awesome!