Kim & Jason Nation is a playful group of rebels who share a joyful, indomitable childlike spirit and are not afraid to let that spirit come out to play! They’re united by a common goal of fighting Adultitis and the doo-doo heads who embrace its ideals. Quite frankly, they’re pretty much the coolest people on the planet. Here’s one right now…
“I’m the guy in front. This was in LA Disneyland in 2008, one of the happiest places on earth. Behind me is my daughter, Megan who was about 7 years old then. I was trying to get her in the mood by screaming my lungs out.”
• My hometown is… Singapore.
• My biggest dream…to ride in the Tour de France.
• My inspiration… anyone with a positive attitude and knows how to chill.
• When I was a kid, I… rode my bike and ran a lot. Such freedom!
• One way I stay childlike is… giving my kids a break on Friday nights by letting them “run wild” to celebrate our weekends together.
• What I know so far… is that I can never stop learning.
• My favorite things about “Kim & Jason” is…you always make me smile.
We saved a space just for YOU in Kim & Jason Nation — join the small rebellion and sign up to become a K&J Insider today!
What a great photo! If I ever come to Singapore, I am totally calling this guy.