Someday I’ll quit this job and do what I really want to do.
Someday we’re going to take that trip to Alaska.
Someday I’m going to write that book.
Someday I’ll go back and finish that degree.
Someday we’ll take the kids to Disney World.
Someday I’ll turn this hobby into a real business.
Someday I’ll quit smoking.
Someday I’ll ask for the raise I deserve.
Someday I’m going to take that road trip.
Someday I’m going to get my pilot’s license.
Someday we’re going to downsize and get back to basics.
Someday we’ll invite the neighbors over for dinner.
Someday I’ll write that letter to my sister.
Someday we’ll fly out to see the grandkids.
Someday I’ll tell my parents thank you.
Someday I’ll tell my kids how proud of them I am.
Someday is a code word for “never.”
What are you hoping to do someday?
The washing-up, mowing the lawn and cleaning up after the dog!
Yes, those can wait for Someday.
For my golden year party (30 on the 30th of May) I have started writing my bucket list and I am going to put dates to some of them and asking friends to help me with others. So I am getting them done.
Rock on, Kristin. Good luck!
I Say thanks to parents every day