Kim & Jason Nation is a playful group of rebels who share a joyful, indomitable childlike spirit and are not afraid to let that spirit come out to play! They’re united by a common goal of fighting Adultitis and the doo-doo heads who embrace its ideals. Quite frankly, they’re pretty much the coolest people on the planet. Here’s one right now…
• My hometown is… Reedsburg, Wisconsin.
• My biggest dream…is to teach adults how to play.
• My inspiration… is my husband, who is a goofball!
• When I was a kid, I… wore a superman suit for 4 years straight.
• One way I stay childlike is… to get dirty everyday.
• What I know so far… I need to watch the joy children get from the smallest things to stay young.
• My favorite things about “Kim & Jason” is…they remind me of the joy of childhood when I am tied down by dreary Adultitis.
We saved a space just for YOU in Kim & Jason Nation — join the small rebellion and sign up to become a K&J Insider today!
That is a truly majestic beard. Respect.