This summer is one of big transitions in our household. With the new baby coming in December and a slight reprieve from a busy speaking schedule, we’ve been working like mad to get a lot of projects checked off the holy to-do list.
One of the big steps was transitioning Lucy to a “big girl bed” in her new “big girl room.” (Next up, potty training — heaven help us!) This required purchasing a “big girl mattress” and some redecorating. It went much more smoothly than I anticipated, and the items we’d collected over the last year or so really tied together well.
Among the highlights is the focal point of the room, a series of original paintings I did featuring the beloved Fisher Price Little People. Kim rescued them from her basement a while back, and they’ve become one of Lucy’s favorite toys. I had to share!

It’s well-known in our family that I am not the most — ahem — handy person around. Which is especially embarrassing since my Dad is a carpenter by trade and a magnificent woodworker. But it is kind of neat to be able to create something unique like this. Probably the cheapest thing in the room if you consider money spent, but certainly the most priceless. I couldn’t even guess what something like this might cost.
Perhaps I should take it out of Lucy’s allowance :)
There are still a few tweaks to be made to the room (which is why there’s only a photo of one wall.) If you have children, I’d love to hear what unique touches you’ve done to add some whimsy and originality to your kids’ rooms!
I don’t have any kids yet, but I’m working on adding whimsy to my own bedroom. I’m in the process of creating a New York City collage from pictures I took on my trip there and other items I collected while there. But I have so much wall space, that I decided to make lots of collages! One will be for running, one for Disney, one for religion, and one will have something to do with teaching and children but I don’t quite have the vision for that one yet.
Btw, I absolutely love your fisher price people paintings!
Thanks, Amy! Excellent ideas on adding whimsy to your own bedroom! Kim and I have a collage in our living room of a bunch of photos I took when we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. They’re from a variety of unusual angles, which really does a neat job of giving you a “feel” for the experience :)
oooh. you SHOULD make these prints.
Too cute! What a great idea!
OMG I AM SO JEALOUS OF LUCY. Fisher Price Little People were my BEST friends for years and years. I played with them long after my age bracket said I was done. I built them mansions with my legos, I created stories about them, they had more drama than a soap opera. If you ever decide to make prints of these, I am totally in line for copies. *sigh*. I wonder if I still have those somewhere….
Thanks Carmen! Not sure if selling prints of the Little People would get me in hot water legally…I’m looking into it because I think they’d make neat prints, too :)
I’ve been reading your updates ever since attending a seminar you gave for a WIC conference. I had to comment on your Fisher Price people…AWESOME! Now, I’m thinking of doing the same for my grandson’s room :-) I did want to mention that the paintings seem a bit high, how can Lucy see them without straining her neck. I know it’s probably to keep her hands off them but hey I think they should be a little lower and more child height friendly. She’ll only touch them once or twice but she might interact or talk to them more if she can see them at her level….just my thoughts!
They do seem higher in the photo than they really are, but thanks for your concern about Lucy’s neck :) She also has a great view of them from her bed!
Oh my gosh, these are completely adorable. You should sell prints of these!! (Let me know if you ever do!)
I LOVE those!!! I wish the Little People toys still looked like this. Brilliant! I would love to see the barn & farm animals!
I absolutely LOVE this art idea. So amazing!