For the last 2 years I have integrated a stop doing goal area.
Josh Bulloc
How can I help
When you mentioned “stop investing in relationships that drain me” my ears perked up more than they had been prior to that. I actually have been stopping that recently and it’s been so freeing! I’m a very loyal person and I don’t give up on people that easily. But it became clear to me about 6 months ago, that if I’m the only one investing in a relationship, then my cup will never be full. In January I let go of a relationship that I should have let go several years ago. In June I let one go that I should have let go months before. And just today I mentally let another one loose – and that one wasn’t overdue, it was simply time for it to go. So it’s getting easier and really simplifying my life. Love this idea!
One rainy Sunday afternoon, when my son was about 3, I put him in his little rain coat and red rain boots, and we went outside for a walk. We had a blast jumping in puddles and playing in the little streams coming down our hill. He is almost 8 now, and still occasionally, mentions how much fun that afternoon was. In fact, it seems to be his earliest memory. My husband didn’t want to go and play in the rain that day. He stayed home to lie on the sofa (Bad case of adultitis!) Unfortunately, that too is part of my son’s earliest memory!
When I think of your “stop doing list” I think of an old fashion New Year’s resolution idea only anytime of year. Great concept. In some way more simple and in some way very complex depending on the stop doing thing. WAlt
Pat Hamiltonsays
I am alreasy signed on to your website, which I love by the way. I am a young 70 year old. I have a question. I read about your sayings such as Easy, peasy lemon squeezy and was told I could get more from you. I need all the help I can get, even though I do not suffer from adultitis. So please send me your list.
Thank you, Pat :-) You should see my collection of SOCKS!!!!
[…] few weeks ago I shared my recently written “Stop Doing List“, inspired by Danielle LaPorte. Among the 30 things I hope to stop, I was able to tackle one […]
For the last 2 years I have integrated a stop doing goal area.
Josh Bulloc
How can I help
When you mentioned “stop investing in relationships that drain me” my ears perked up more than they had been prior to that. I actually have been stopping that recently and it’s been so freeing! I’m a very loyal person and I don’t give up on people that easily. But it became clear to me about 6 months ago, that if I’m the only one investing in a relationship, then my cup will never be full. In January I let go of a relationship that I should have let go several years ago. In June I let one go that I should have let go months before. And just today I mentally let another one loose – and that one wasn’t overdue, it was simply time for it to go. So it’s getting easier and really simplifying my life. Love this idea!
One rainy Sunday afternoon, when my son was about 3, I put him in his little rain coat and red rain boots, and we went outside for a walk. We had a blast jumping in puddles and playing in the little streams coming down our hill. He is almost 8 now, and still occasionally, mentions how much fun that afternoon was. In fact, it seems to be his earliest memory. My husband didn’t want to go and play in the rain that day. He stayed home to lie on the sofa (Bad case of adultitis!) Unfortunately, that too is part of my son’s earliest memory!
When I think of your “stop doing list” I think of an old fashion New Year’s resolution idea only anytime of year. Great concept. In some way more simple and in some way very complex depending on the stop doing thing. WAlt
I am alreasy signed on to your website, which I love by the way. I am a young 70 year old. I have a question. I read about your sayings such as Easy, peasy lemon squeezy and was told I could get more from you. I need all the help I can get, even though I do not suffer from adultitis. So please send me your list.
Thank you, Pat :-) You should see my collection of SOCKS!!!!