You don’t make great memories doing the same thing you’ve always done. And they usually aren’t made amidst the whirling dervish of your day-to-day.
Sure, kids get shuttled where they need to go. Meetings are scheduled, attended, and adjourned. Errands are run, bills are paid, to-do lists are tackled.
But think about your last week — how much of it was actually memorable? What parts of it will you still be talking about ten years from now?
Any of it?
Adultitis’ best trick is to keep you focused on the urgent buzz of irrelevant activities while getting you to gloat over how efficient you’ve been and take pride in how many things you checked off your to-do list. All while prodding you to pick up the pace, lest you slow down enough long enough to notice all that you’re missing.
Creating a great scene with the people you love requires neither money nor time, but it does require mindfulness.
It demands that you spend time outside the box of your efficient, productive little routine.
P.S. Need some super-powered scene creating ideas? We’ve got you covered.
[ Acrylic on watercolor paper, 10 x 14 inches. ]
I love this simple but sweet post. Thanks for the reminder! I’m sitting here while my 3 year old plays on my lap. I’m answering emails, looking at my schedule… gawd help me, I’ve got adultitis.
Phew! I just woke up thanks to you. Off to play!
Good for you, Maira! Happy to help :)