March 20, 2009: Time is warped after you have a baby. I heard recently that, for a parent, the days are long but the years are fast. Jason joked the other day that the first two weeks of Lucy’s life seemed like two months, but the first three months seemed like three weeks. What does that mean for the next three months or how about the next three years? So much happens in the first year. It’s amazing to think about the little toddling babbler we’ll have on her first birthday.
Right now Lucy’s fascination with her hands is cracking us up. She looks like an evil mastermind, planning the demise of… well, something?! She is on the cusp of figuring out her voice. She hasn’t quite put together how the noise happens–it’s more accidental, but she likes it when a sound comes out. It’s so cute! Already I can see that I love watching her learn. As slow as her development seems right now, so much is happening before our very eyes.
Instead of wishing she were in a different stage, which is a trap of Adultitis, I have to make a conscious effort to enjoy the stage she’s in. So often in life we all do this. “Life will be better/easier when…” The secret of keeping Adultitis at bay lies with enjoying the moment, no matter where or when. There will be a day when I will wish for a late-night feeding, just to hold this tiny little version of our daughter again. Maintaining that perspective will certainly help keep the stress levels lower and inspire me to make the moments more fun.
Isn’t that what life’s all about?
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It sounds to me like you’ve been reading Gretchen Rubin’s book, The Happiness Project! That’s one of her Splendid Truths – The days are long, but the years are short.