When you shine brightly and share joy with the world, not everyone will be appreciative.
These Adultitis-ridden doo-doo heads will laugh at you, mock you, and try to run you down. Mostly they are just threatened by your example and attack you in order to feel better about their own cowardice or laziness.
Shine on anyway.
[ Watercolor on paper, 9 x 12 inches. ]
This is too ironic for me .. I actually had an Adultitis-ridden in-law visit last week, and she felt the need to mention that our real Christmas tree wasn’t nearly as “fluffy” as the ones she had growing up. Of all things to be jealous of! Oh well, our tree shines on. :) Thanks for making me smile!
Not “fluffy” enough? Sheesh…
as we put up the tree and are testing out the lights, I get tired of the process 1/2 way up (we have a fake tree due to pine allergies). This is the point at which I tell the kids to get the Angel because the Chistmas shrub is ready to be decorated..
I’m sure it is one festive Christmas shrub, Jill :)