I’m not really an artist. I’m not really a speaker. I’m not really an author.
I do all of those things, yes, but a while back I realized that my job is not to draw pictures or give speeches or write books.
The most important thing I do is give permission. I give people permission to let their inner child come out to play. When that happens, life becomes more fun, exciting, and meaningful. As Nametag Scott reminds us, the greatest gift we can give people is permission.
My baseball coach Mr. Dawson gave me permission to believe I could be a winning pitcher.
My art teacher Mrs. Garrett gave me permission to experiment with new types of media.
My parents gave me permission to live with them for a year after college so I could pursue my dream of entrepreneurship.
My father-in-law gave me permission to marry his daughter.
Permission is a powerful thing.
You are excellent at your job. You’ve given me the gift of permission many times over. thanks jay!
The feeling’s mutual, Scott.
Great reminder! And thanks for the link to Nametag Scott :)
BTW, I love how the work you and Kim have chosen gives you permission to play, create and inspire.
Funny how that works, Vanessa :)
P.S. Be sure to check out Scott’s blog where he is giving away all of the books he’s written — for free. (And they are all must-reads!)