It’s a busy time of year. Most of us are knee-deep in the holiday frenzy.
There are trees to trim, decorations to put up, gifts to purchase, cards to send, office parties to attend, cookies to bake, crowds to navigate, presents to wrap, miles to be traversed, groceries to buy, meals to prepare, snow to shovel, rooms to clean, in-laws to suffer, and to-do lists to be tackled.
Prime feeding ground for Adultitis, especially if you take it all too seriously.
Please don’t forget there are also memories to be made, cookies to be eaten, jokes to tell, ho ho ho’s to be hollered, bells to jingle, carols to be crooned, laughs to be shared, cardboard boxes to be transformed into castles, and (depending on where you live) snowflakes to catch on your tongue.
This holiday season, please don’t forget the silliness.
Last year we had a family gingerbread cookie decorating night. We had ginger bread men, women, trees, hearts, dog bones, hands, feet & other fun shapes. Ingredients were home made gingerbread cookies (’cause they are the best!), cookie icing, sprinkles, colored sugar, small candies or whatever we had on hand. We had a blast and maybe they weren’t professional quality, the point was we had fun and they tasted good too. My children voted to make this a new family Christmas Tradition.
Sounds like an awesome tradition! Thanks for sharing it, Mary! I’m sure a lot of people will love adopting it as their own :)
Oh, and I always think the “professional quality” ones taste too…professional.
Awesome! I truly needed this re-alignment to my perspective . Thanks for making my day & I am thrilled to begin the season.
Glad to hear it, Jackie! Happy holidays!!!