The Small Rebellion is a playful group of escape artists who share a joyful, indomitable childlike spirit and are not afraid to let that spirit come out to play! They’re united by a common goal of fighting Adultitis and the doo-doo heads who embrace its ideals. Quite frankly, they’re pretty much the coolest people on the planet. Here’s one right now…
• My name is… Lisa Olson. This is my fourth and final last name. I really mean it!
• My hometown is… La Crosse, Wisconsin. Nestled between bluffs and the mighty Mississippi River. (Yes I sing the “crooked letter” song to spell the river).
• My biggest dream…is to link my child development and nursing degrees more holistically in a case manager position.
• My inspiration…are my amazing husband Todd, a friend for over 20 years – who is my partner in improvisation and life, Carol Burnett, and my funny sons who are now so much taller than me.
• When I was a kid, I… I had variety shows in my bedroom. My Barbies and stuffed animals and parakeet were my adoring audience. I insisted.
• My favorite childhood toy was…my way cool (plastic) stereo and actual records. I had my own DJ persona and private radio station in my room with pink shag carpet. I played ALL my favorite songs, by request, from me.
• One way I stay childlike is…finding affordable fun like harmless pranks and sharing a sassy moment. When in a store if a worker seems grumpy I will offer a smile or a kind thing to say. It doesn’t always work, but it has never hurt me, either. I hope my kids remember that about me. It’s a great way to not ‘catch’ the grumpies from someone else!
• What I know so far…is that my joy scars are my pride. These laugh lines I have are a sweet reminder that every day is a gift. Little things don’t matter. Heck, most big things aren’t really that big either. Sharing a smile almost guarantees getting one in return.
• My favorite thing about “Kim & Jason” is…the great newsletter and fun reminders and challenges. The questions like the ones here that bring back great memories otherwise suppressed by a busy day of work and running. Thank you so much Kim and Jason !!
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nice post
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