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I’m really not a fan of how often I base my happiness on what I haven’t accomplished, or what inconvenience just popped up.
The truth is, life really is amazing.
Unfortunately, Adultitis would have us think differently.
Your washing machine goes kaput. You’re in the middle of dinner and realize you don’t have a crucial ingredient. You don’t get the promotion. That nagging cold won’t go away. Your goals are taking longer to achieve than expected.
It’s easy to get lost in the weeds, focused on what we’re missing or what’s going wrong.
Sometimes we just need a bit of perspective. The average world income is five thousand dollars. If you make more than that, then you’re in the top 50%. If you make more than $50,000, you’re in the top 0.5%.
We live in a time where Oregon Trail is a fun computer game, not a harrowing months-long journey replete with danger and dysentery.
Are you alive? Do you have a job? Do you have a roof over your head? Do you have something to eat today? Does someone love you? Do you have a dream in your heart? Is today a chance to let go of yesterday and start fresh? Although you may not have said yes to every single one of those questions, I’m betting you can say yes to most.
And if that’s true, regardless of what goals remain unattained, or what inconveniences are currently plaguing us, I think we can agree that our lives are pretty dang good.
Anything else is a cherry on top.