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The great philosopher Marshall Mathers, also known as Eminem, once said,
Look…if you had one shot
– “Lose Yourself” by Eminem
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?
You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime
It may seem weird to think of this moment in which we find ourselves as the opportunity of a lifetime. After all, none of us asked for it, and all of us wish we could get back to some semblance of normal sooner rather than later.
Yet here we are, amidst the moment we’ve been waiting for, which has arrived dressed in unremarkable clothing.
This is a one of a kind opportunity to pivot our organizations to serve people in new and better ways. To improve ourselves by taking a class or learning a valuable skill. To lay the groundwork for a brand new business that will prevent us from having to go back to the old job that wasn’t lighting us up. To strengthen the relationships we have neglected.
Perhaps more than anything, this is an occasion to take a long hard look at our lives, and determine if the direction we were heading is really the direction we want to be going.
Don’t be fooled by the dire straits trumpeted by the media all day long. Things are not always what they appear to be. Unprecedented times are rich with unprecedented opportunities.
If you’ve ever felt like a lowly fish, always struggling upstream, never making much progress, this is your chance to be the bear.
This crisis is an audition for the next generation of leaders.
You may already be in a leadership position.
How is your audition going?
You might believe you don’t have it in you to be a leader. If so, think again. Being elected to a public office or running a big company is not a prerequisite. You might be called to be the leader in your family right now, bringing a sense of calm or comfort, hope or joy. Perhaps you are called to be a leader in your neighborhood or apartment complex, or of the pared-down staff at work.
We all experience fear, but cowering to it? That’s a choice. Owning the moment with courage and confidence is also a choice. Leaders are people who make hard choices and do the right thing.
This is not about being somehow superhuman. It’s not about never feeling afraid, or exhausted, or overwhelmed. Feeling any of those feels right now doesn’t disqualify you from leadership. When I experience those emotions, I remember I am human and try to be kind to myself. My shortcomings are not proof that I suck, they are signs that I need to go back to my source of strength. For me, that comes from my morning time spent with a cup of coffee, my Bible, and my Heavenly Father. When my spiritual battery runs low, I know I need time away to recharge, in quiet, with Him. There He reminds me of his great promises, and that I am not called to do His job, merely mine. Each new day, I am reminded, yet again, that dependency on Him is not a weakness, it is the goal.
This painting is a call to own THIS moment. Not the next hundred. Leave tomorrow for tomorrow and don’t worry incessantly about the future.
This crisis, this opportunity – this life – is astoundingly temporary.
You are only guaranteed this moment.
Will you own it…or just let it slip?
love the audition concept. great painting!