The gauntlet had been thrown down.
What choice did I have?
We were on a road trip…somewhere. The details don’t matter, but I’m pretty sure we were rolling up to Dairy Queen for some Blizzards. Someone in my family, probably my wife, challenged me to request extra “nipkins” at the drive-thru window.
Not napkins, NIPkins.
And with that, my honor was on the line. I could not allow myself to be shamed in front of my own children by failing to accept this summons.
On that day, I am proud to say, I rose to the challenge, growing three feet taller in the eyes of my wife and children (or so I presume). With the mission accomplished, Adultitis was vanquished.
And that is why napkins are now regularly referred to in our household as “nipkins.”
It’s also one of the one hundred ridiculous challenges in the Festival of Shenanigans, which is now underway:
#18 A Need for Nipkins: Ask for extra “nipkins” from the drive-through window. Not napkins. NIP-kins. We must be able to understand you clearly.
I cannot tell you how surreal it is to see videos of other real human beings now doing this very thing at drive-thru windows across this great land. I salute you all! Here’s a sample:
My favorite part of the videos is the muffled giggles and outright guffaws of the passengers serving as camera people. In fact, in all of the submissions submitted so far, I see things not always visible in the photos and videos themselves…
I see children wondering what got into Mom, but wasting no time delighting in and relishing this fun, newly unleashed version.
I see teenagers rolling their eyes at Dad embarrassing himself publicly with bravery and confidence that they can’t help but be inspired by.
I see the care and attention put into an epic domino run or a detailed Lego creation and wonder if, for that blissful moment in time, some chronic pain or lingering grief subsided a bit.
I see the growing confidence of a normally reserved individual obliterating their comfort zone, hardly believing they are doing such a thing.
I see a team of colleagues laughing together and bonding in ways that will serve them well when the next crisis arrives.
I see the bewildered store employees and random strangers who found themselves whisked into this weird whirlwind of whimsy, smiling because they have a great story to share when they get home. And the gift of permission to let loose a little themselves, as well.
I see laughs and smiles that will last long after this event is over, and can already hear them saying, years from now, “Remember that time when…”
And more than anything else, I see Adultitis, that persistent villain intent on making our lives as miserable as possible, evacuating the premises, soundly defeated. #TakeThatAdultitis
The Festival of Shenanigans has only just begun, and it’s already a resounding success. The good news is that it’s not too late for you to get in on the action.
When life gives you a chance to give Adultitis an atomic wedgie, you should take it.
Yes, the title of “Grand Shenanigator” and a year’s worth of ice cream are on the line, but the real prize is being realized by every person who completes even one challenge. It’s a smile, a belly laugh, a bond strengthened, a new connection made, and the experience of giving this dark world the one thing it needs more than anything: light.
And nipkins.
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