A big, fat, juicy thank you to everyone who voted for my manifesto at ChangeThis.com. The happy news I have to report is that it garnered enough interest to be published on their web site. Basically, it is a summary of my book, an overview of why and how to escape this thing called "adulthood." The manifesto itself is free to download, and you can even e-mail it to your friends to pass along. If you really, really like it, a more in-depth version was printed on dead trees in book format.
Read the manifesto. Spread the word. And cure Adultitis.
Thank you and good night.
sameer borate says
Just read you Manifesto today. I’ve been suffering from Adultitis for the past 6 years (I’am 32 now). The symptoms had already started when I was 25. The surprising thing is that I knew that I was slowly morphing into some stupid, dumb adult but was unable to do nothing. I’am a software developer and still remember the days when writing software was fun; working in Assembly or optimizing a ‘C’ program would give a high that most people would only experience while having sex or smoking (I’ve never smoked so I’ve really no idea what it feels like). But now it’s become a routine job for me. Now I get as much joy in programming as I would get washing my clothes. Your Manifesto was a kind of a waking-up call to me.
Lets just hope I will be able to implement the eight steps.