On our very first date, Kim and I agreed to live on a lake. As we began the process of getting to know each other, we got talking about our ideal place to live. For some reason, Idaho was mentioned. (When you grow up in a small town in Illinois surrounded by cornfields, almost everywhere feels more exotic.) We talked of mountains and potatoes (obviously), but pine trees and lakes took precedence. We both agreed that living on a lake surrounded by tall pine trees would be an ideal place to settle down. (We didn't necessarily know it would be together.) The two of us dated for …
Have Faith
A Moonrise to Remember
I pulled out a notebook and pushed aside the bowl of creamers and the container of jellies. My family was at one of our favorite breakfast spots, our go-to place for celebrating big milestones. This day was decidedly less joyful, however; more of an escape from a nightmare we recently experienced. A few miles away, our house was an island in an apocalyptic landscape. A week before, a hurricane force straight-line wind mutilated an idyllic stand of 150 pine trees into an ugly riot of splintered, uprooted sticks, violently strewn about. Amidst the aftermath, it was hard to imagine …
Cornerstone Faith
This is a picture of Kim and me at the Cornerstone music festival, very early on in our dating years. Together with friends, we camped out with thousands of other Christian music fans in the middle of a field during a sweltering stretch of Illinois summer.Here we are showing off our "hardcore" faith represented by sun-kissed cross "tattoos" made with two Band-aids.Nine years of Catholic school provided a decent foundation for my faith, but it didn't really come alive until the year after I graduated high school, about the time this photo was taken. I was on fire for God, excited to learn all I …
Big Dreams Don’t Come True the Way You Think
Big dreams don’t come true the way you think.At least not the way the movies have taught us. You know, with magic wands and pixie dust and a few clicks of your ruby slippers. The best ones come little by little, over a long period of time, and often appear like they'll never come true at all. You may recall me mentioning a few weeks ago that we were outbid in our effort to buy our dream home. In a near miraculous turn of events, that home is now...ours! What the what?!? In January, our family of five will be moving to Sheboygan, the Malibu of the Midwest and official Bratwurst Capital of …
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Working All Things for Good
My wife took the beautiful photo that inspired this painting.There was something about this dandelion that captivated me. He’s reaching the end of the line. He is weary, but remains proud and steadfast. Some called him a weed, disrupting the status quo and infecting the neighborhood. But he knows the truth. He has run his race, and is now ready to give it all away, to multiply himself by scattering the seeds in order to bring forth new life. And in the midst of his sacrifice, with the sun setting on his last day, light shines through as a symbol of the grace within. I call this piece “Good …
Proof of Life
Every so often in my life, things are going along swimmingly. I know where I’m going, the path is clear, progress is being made. Everything makes sense and the future is bright. I like when life is like that.But then, seemingly overnight, everything goes dry. Sand has obscured my path, and I feel like I’m in a barren wasteland, uncertain of which direction to head. I wonder if all the progress and clarity I’d experienced was merely a mirage, because suddenly all signs of life are absent. I am stranded in the desert and all hope is drying up. Perhaps you’ve felt this way recently. Maybe …
Cool Things Everywhere
One of my favorite parts of being a parent is showing my kids cool things and watching their eyes light up: Let me show you how to make this drawing look even more realistic. Wait 'till you see this tiger up close. You are not going to believe this thing called the ocean. Watch what happens when we heat up these popcorn kernels...Just last week, we watched The Wizard of Oz. My oldest had seen it, but it was brand new to the two littles. What a delight it was to see it through their eyes, with each bend on the yellow brick road leading to something new to marvel at. When we’re young, it’s easy …
Coronavirus vs. Your Imagination
This is an adapted excerpt from A Chance of Awesome: How Changing the Way You See Changes Everything, which is currently available as a free download. I made a few tweaks here to fit our current situation, and it goes quite nicely with the recent Coffee with Kim & Jason episode on faith. When you were a child, were you ever afraid of the dark? I sure was. From horns and hair to scabs and skeletons, thinking about what lurked among the shadows was an all-you-can-eat buffet for my imagination.I might not have made it through childhood without that humble but powerful …
Enjoy the Woo?
This is an adapted excerpt from A Chance of Awesome: How Changing the Way You See Changes Everything, which is currently available as a free download. I made a few tweaks here, and although it can feel weird to think about enjoying much of anything right now, this is a reminder I know I need to hear more than ever. I hope it encourages you. I think it’s safe to say that most of us are regularly experiencing a roller coaster of emotions on a daily basis as we make our way through this crisis. It probably feels like there are more “downs” than “ups,” as my son Ben would describe them. In …