Kim and I are on the first leg of a four state, thirteen day, nine speaking engagement whirlwind. Tonight finds me in a hotel in Indianapolis. I spoke to a group of adults this morning, and about 100 teenagers this evening. Tomorrow is another group of grown-ups, followed by a family presentation. Kim and I like to play a game where she says, “Gun’s to your head: where are you?” Today I passed the test with flying colors, but it might be tricky in a week.
A few weeks ago, Kim blogged about her search for a hobby. Crochet won the day, and it seems to be a good fit. A fellow by the name of Rabbi Dale (also known as Webmaster Santa) posted a comment that pointed out that Kim already did have a hobby: walking.
Many people equate hobbies or even prosperity to physical things; this is really not the case. You mentioned walking, walking is a great hobby. In all the travels you and Jason have done, you might have walked down certain streets or by certain landmarks. As you walked you have collected memories of places as like my father and mother used to collect souvenirs of places we have gone. Those souvenirs are long lost but the memoir of the walks and hikes I have been will remain with me and in the stories I tell will last longer than long.
You know, he’s absolutely right. One of my favorite things about the traveling we’ve done is the memories we’ve collected. They really are priceless. We had a great chance to indulge in our hobby yesterday in Downtown Indy. After doing some work in our hotel room, we sought out the highly recommended Canal Walk, and went for a 3 mile stroll. I’ve always maintained that walking is the best way to get a feel for the city, and this was no exception. It was a beautiful spring evening, and a perfect time to talk and laugh and dream.
I’m sure we could have spent a lot of money doing or buying “stuff,” but the memories are what really matter. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, forgetting that the time shared with friends, family, and loved ones is the stuff life is made of. And the best hobbies are the ones that are shared. You can crochet a million afghans, but they can never match the value of a life sewn together with a patchwork of happy memories.
[tags]Indianapolis, hobbies, hobby, crochet, walking[/tags]
I’m upset! If you would have told me you were coming to Indianapolis, I would have met you and bought you dinner! Let me know next time!
Good ol’ Rabbi Dale…he’s been an inspiration to me as well the past few months I’ve been in communication with him. He’s pointed out that there are a lot of important things in life we often overlook. I have a few comic strips coming out this summer inspired by him.
As far as hobbies, I have to agree that travel is my favorite. I like seeing new places, new people, and sharing in cultures different than what I’m used to. I think it keeps me young….at least at heart!