We recently celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in Key West, Florida. With the little one in excellent hands back home, we had a chance for some good old-fashioned doin’ nothing.
While soaking up some rays and enjoying the surf, we were hit with some bits of wisdom regarding stressing less and having more fun. So we decided to create a six-part video series sharing some of the thoughts we had while we were in a Key West state of mind. In this first tip, Kim discusses the importance (and benefits) of taking time to “look up” from the busyness of life once in a while.
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Great video post. This is a great idea and one I need to work on. I”m finding myself sort of just stuck in a rut and I need to get out of it. Thanks for the “heads up.”
My pleasure :)
Hey you two!!
Happy 10th!!! Very awesome!! And – great that you could break away and celebrate what you have created!
And…Kim…great WISDOM from your trip! Seeing that “big picture”…or just looking at things a bit differently – great stuff. And oftentimes it takes breaking away from routine to do this….
Here’s to all the amazing things that will be coming in the next 10 years!
Thanks Lance!