You won’t find it in a crossword puzzle.
You won’t find it looking through a microscope (or a telescope).
You won’t find it in the back of your fridge next to the leftovers-turned-science experiment.
You won’t find it with aid of any GPS device that is (or will ever be) for sale.
You won’t find it in the cardboard “Lost and Found” box in your church’s basement.
You won’t find it in your jeans pocket after pulling them from the dryer.
You won’t find it in the cushions of your couch.
Or under your bed.
Or wherever it is that missing socks go.
People often complain about how they can never find the time to (fill in the blank with their favorite thing in the world) anymore. They’re right about that. Because if they’re waiting to find time, they’re going to be waiting an awfully long time.
Time can be spent, saved, invested, or wasted, but it can never be found.
You always make time for the things that are important to you.
If don’t have time for yourself (or your spouse, kids, family, exercise routine, charitable activities, a return to school, or your favorite hobby), it’s because it’s not that important to you.
End of story.
So true! Love the no nonsense approach – it gave me a wake up call, thanks!
Happy to be your friendly neighborhood alarm clock :)
Interesting topic… I gotta go study! Buhbye! ;D
Not so. I once found a bottle full of time. It had Jim Croce’s name on it so I mailed it back to him.
Other than that, I agree with everything you’ve said. :)
I hope Jim got his bottle back. It was good of you to send it along; perhaps he will send you a few hours as a reward!
Did we have the same mom?
She always used to say it like this:
Honey there is never enough time, we make time for the things that we really want to do.
Moms are so wise.
How many letters do you get for making these statements? I have to bet that this statement makes some people uncomfortable because it calls them out. If they are not willing to take responsibility then they will find a way to tell you how it is not their fault.
Josh Bulloc
Kansas City, MO
How can I help?
Yes, you are certainly right about that. All I can do is write the truth; beyond that if people want to hide behind excuses, there’s not much I can do about it :)