A few months back, we highlighted a Denver neighborhood that had banned children’s sidewalk drawings, calling them “a distracting and offensive blight.” Hopefully you don’t live in a neighborhood like that. (If you do, hopefully you’ve dutifully covered the sidewalks with chalk drawings.)
Well, it’s been a while since we hosted an “official” Small Rebellion, but we figured it was time for a new mission, and sidewalk chalk is going to be the star.
Although the fuel might be the anger for Adultitis-ridden doo doo heads who have the gall to ban chalk drawings from neighborhood sidewalks, the inspiration for action comes from Mindy and Matt of Nerdkicks.com, who were originally inspired by us. Kind of a weird full-circle thing. Here’s what they had to say about it:
“Kim and Jason recently joined us on the NerdKicks Podcast for a fun chat about escaping adulthood. Like you, we have been big fans of their methods and mantras, including: ‘adventurously live a story worth telling;’ ‘play hard, often and just because;’ and ‘boldly refuse to act your age.’
Our chat together was delightful, and it was especially fun to hear the Kim and Jason origin story. Throughout our chat, the theme of positively influencing the lifestyles of others kept popping up. We were inspired by Kim and Jason to do something fun and silly for our neighbors in the spirit of battling the sad symptoms Adultitis…
We came up with a fun concept and wanted to share it with you: sidewalk chalk inspirations!
The treatment is simple.
The Mission:
1. Procure sidewalk chalk, available for less than $3 at Target (for Extra Strength treatment, make your own chalk).
2. Collect inspirational quotes. We recommend consulting your favorite nerdy movies, Muppets, and childhood heroes.
3. Go to a public place and draw away!
Side effects may include amused smiles from strangers, dusty fingers, and an overwhelming sense of satisfaction.”
So that’s it. Sidewalk chalk + inspirational quotes = neighborhood-wide banishment of Adultitis. We can imagine whole blocks filled with awesome inspiration quotes! Won’t you join us? Let’s see how many photos we can collect! Share yours online with the hashtag #smallrebellion4
Click here for more inspiration!
I think that’s a valuable cause — I live in a town that has a bunch of uptight ordinances about the way properties are supposed to look, requires you to “register” your bike, etc., and I think something like this would be a welcome addition.
Have you had a chance to add some chalky goodness to your neighborhood, Chris? ;)
Went to Bayshore Mall yesterday (Glendale, WI) and guess what? An entire area was blocked off for chalk art! All kinds of amazing drawings in chalk throughout the area. Yes, I got pics.
Have a great week!
Nice! Adultitis is on the run!
Me and a friend are going to do this tomorrow! I’ll email you some pics!