I have many speaker friends who wish they had a Kim to do for their business what she does for ours. Believe me, I know how lucky I am.
There is a reason that Kim gets top billing in the trademark “Kim & Jason.” I may be the artist and speaker, but she’s the inspiration. She’s the lifeblood of our business. She’s the one I aspire to be like. Not only is she the world’s best business partner, but she’s also my wife, best friend, and partner in crime on this crusade to annihilate Adultitis.
She’s also celebrating a birthday today. (Twenty-nine-ish. Again.)
I thought it would be cool to all go in on a super awesome gift for her. Yes, all of us! So here’s what I was thinking: There is nothing that drives Kim more than encouraging and inspiring people to fight Adultitis. If you would be willing to do something to tick off Adultitis today, and then report back here what you did, I know for a fact that Kim will be overjoyed.
It’s a unique gift sure to be enjoyed as much by the giver as the receiver. And it seems like a fitting tribute to the most passionate Adultitis-fighter I know.
So please, do something fun today in honor of Kim, and share your adventure in the comments below.
Happy birthday, Kim!
I wore a new pair of running shoes to work today – they are all different colors, and the left and right shoes don’t match. The soles are different – one is neon green, and the other is hot pink. The laces are neon yeillow and blaze orange. The left shoes is hot pink, neon green, and royal blue. The right shoe is nion yellow, hot pind, and purple. They are shockingly bright, silly, and fun, and that’s why I bought them!
Happy birthday, Kim!
I bought bright green frosted St Pat’s day cookies to work to share with my group, and had 2 for breakfast (instead of my usual healthy cereal)! They went perfectly with my coffee. :-)
Today, March 13th is my birthday, too!
Happy Birthday, Kim!
We are doing our once a year visit to chuck e cheeses with the kids. And I will go play with them!
Happy Birthday Kim
Today I laid down in the parking lot to a retail store and rolled around till my husband asked me what the h— are you doing. I told him I was celebrating your Birthday hope you have a great day and be funny
Eating popsicles with my college boys and doing a jig. Happy Birthday, Kim!!!
For an upcoming event tmy mentees have been begging for an ipad which we don’t have the funds to purchase, so instead I bought a note pade and cut out an “i” for it to create and ipad!
Happy Birthday!
I bought Lucky Charms for breakfast (something I would never do) The kids and I ate two bowls each! Candy for breakfast is really delightful!!! Happy birthday Kim!
Happy Birthday, Kim! God bless you, Jason, and your beautiful children! Hope this is your nicest birthday and best year, yet!
Cheri and Sheila and your friends at Mary’s Touch
Recently we started a new tradition of starting off our morning preschool circle time with Mandisa and Jamie Grace songs and DANCING OUR SOCKS OFF! Today we sang Happy Birthday to each child here…even though none of them have March Birthdays! Happy Birthday, Kim!!!!
We chose as a daycare to run around with our nite nite blankets around the covasac singing happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Kim! :-)
Today would have been my sisters 48th birthday. She is celebrating in Heaven this year. \O/ I went to Mass this morning – and thanked the priest for the words he spoke were just the words I needed to hear. :-)
Then I was singing and “car dancing” in the car.
Enjoy your special day and God’s richest blessings to you!
Happy 29ish Birthday to our favorite caboose. Instead of a bowl of Cheerios and Corn Chex for breakfast, we had a big bowl of ice cream smothered in chocolate syrup with a maraschino cherry on top. We highly recommend this as a remedy for your hives!! We love you lots, Kim!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Happy B-day Kim,
I am writing this sitting upright in bed with pillows behind my back and my tablet on my lap. Legs and feet underneath the covers, of course, thinking I’m supposed to do what? (pause for some coffee from my mug on the nightstand) Well depending on the news out of the Vatican I will either go back to bed with pillow over my head or jump on top of my bed. Later I will probably talk doggie to my two small mutts. They always look at me with their big round dark eyes, kind of quiz-zical. I am afraid they still won’t understand a word I sway. It seems they’re more into speaking tongues and then I say “Pass me a Wet Ones please.”
I am writing this sitting upright in bed with pillows behind my back and my tablet on my lap. Legs and feet underneath the covers, of course, thinking I’m supposed to do what? (pause for some coffee from my mug on the nightstand) Well depending on the news out of the Vatican I will either go back to bed with pillow over my head or jump on top of my bed. Later I will probably talk doggie to my two small mutts. They always look at me with their big round dark eyes, kind of quiz-zical. I am afraid they still won’t understand a word I sway. It seems they’re more into speaking tongues and then I say “Pass me a Wet Ones please.” Happy B-day, Kim!
I am writing this sitting upright in bed with pillows behind my back and my tablet on my lap. Legs and feet underneath the covers, of course, thinking I’m supposed to do what? Well depending on the news out of the Vatican I will either go back to bed with pillow over my head or jump on top of my bed. Later I will probably talk doggie to my two small mutts. They always look at me with their big round dark eyes, kind of quiz-zical. I am afraid they still won’t understand a word I sway. It seems they’re more into speaking tongues and then I say “Pass me a Wet Ones please.” Happy B-day, Kim!
Today my son and I sent out a couple of boxes of m&m’s to 2 cousins as fun mail! We included pictures/notes on the back so they’ll get a fun message—with m&m’s! Hope you have a Happy Birthday!
Today I will go to my niece and nephew’s house to play dolls and then with the race track, I will make the kids play even when they try to stop. We will then go outside in the blustering cold and attempt to blow bubbles! Happy Birthday Kim, let this year be the best yet!
p.s. Thanks for all of the inspiration you give us throughout the year to be YOUNG at heart always.
I live in a warm climate and hope you don’t mind if I ask a question … do bubbles freeze in the icy cold air?
HaPpY BiRtHdAy KIM!!!
Today I am helping my 2 year old teacher fight Adultitis! I filled his ‘teacher cabinet’ with oodools of google eyes! Put them on his drinking cup and diaper table necessities!
Hope you have a great day!!
Today I am helping my 2 year old teachers fight Adultitis! I filled his ‘teacher cabinet’ with oodles of google eyes! I also put them on his drinking cup and diaper tables necessities, ie; disinfectant spray bottle, diaper wipes, ect.
Hope you have a great day!!!
I ate a giant clear icicle! http://instagram.com/p/WzlPCbL0J7/ It’s probably been ten years since I did that, and oh! It was fun!
Happy, happy birthday, Kim!
Today I played with the legos and silly putty at my desk on my lunch break and also did the challenge of http://www.donothingfor2minutes.com/ !
HAAAPY BDay Kim!! Nice to know that I share your age :) It makes me believe I can be young spirit and inspiring with 29 :)
What I did (it was last weekend, but today hasn’t finished yet here in Portugal…) I went to Peggy Sue’s in Vigo, and had a reaaaally nice burger and a pink lemonade together with my girlfriend. We also took a picture in the restaurant and after seeing it we realized that a random crazy guy had put a wicked silly face behind us when we were taking it.
At the end we chewed a gigantic gum and made the biggest bubbles we could manage. Then we made a fight trying to pinch each others bubbles before they burst away.
And Hey, Jason, I love your writings, always brimming with moral thoughts and rainbow colors. For me you’re not, at any rate, the lesser half of the The Big Team :)
Have a nice day pretty jay and see you in a while crocodile
Today I went Rollerskating/Blading for the first time since probably high school with about 40 kids from our school and who knows how many from the other ones that were there. I spent two hours blading with these kids to oldies and new hip music and it was a blast. My feet are sore, I’m exhausted and my back is hurting a little bit, but I don’t care because it was sooooo worth it.
Happy Birthday Kim! Enjoy your day!
I made a sand castle with my best friend at the beach! :)
Happy You Were Born Day !! Woot Woot the world is way more awesome cause of this very day .. and your entrance in to the world.
The day is early for me but so far I had made whip cream to top off my tea .. and I refilled the whip cream three times .. it kept disappearing in to my mouth.
I plan on spending at least an hour playing inside of a hula hoop. There will also be dancing and laughter in my day !
In honor of Kim’s birthday I wore my hair in pigtails today! Inspired right from the above photo! As a girl it was my favorite hairstyle and needless to say, have not sported it in quite a few years. THANKYOU for the reminder that I have been taking myself WAY too seriously lately therefore letting Adultitis take over! I am going to hide Pokey now, for my husband to find. Pokey has been sitting on a shelf in plain view for awhile now! Happy Birthday, Kim!
Hi Kim,
Hope your birthday is the best ever!
In honor of your birthday I went to my grandson’s Head Start classroom and joined the children for large group experience listening to Big Book stories.
Happy Happy Birthday!!
In your honor Kim, I went skipping down the corrider in the office with a smile on my face. Happy Birthday :)!!!
Happy Birthday Kim!!!! I am going shopping for my daughter and picking up my wedding rings from repair. Am excited about that. The sun is finally shining., Thanks for bringing the sun out! Have a great day!!!!!
Happy birthday, Kim! Today is mine, too. I wore my St. Patrick’s Day socks inside out and later I will dance around the house while listening to music on my ipod. Hope your day is a fun one. Thanks, Kim & Jason for encouraging the fight against adultitis.
Happy Birthday Kim,
20 yrs ago today my daughter Dana was born. We are celebrating with the birth of baby goats to her dairy goat Tishianna. Janelle
I will jump in the water with my kids next time we go to the pool, even if I have to wear a wetsuit!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
I went outside with 8 DC kids , got them ALL dressed for the weather…..whew and we di “underdog” pushes on the tire swing…in the snow! Yeah! Peace Patty
Happy Birthday, Kim!!!
Tonight when I get home, I will re-hide the green dinosaur (our version of Pokey) for my husband. And, even though we are both trying to loose some extra stuff from around our middles, I will have a bowl of ice cream after dinner in celebration of your birthday!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and I’m wishing you many blessings in your new year!!!
Happy Birthday Kim. I had a really nice nap! I curled up with my two Italian Greyhounds and took a snoozed – just because! Maybe that’s why little ones are always in such a good mood. They take naps!
Happy Birthday Kim!!!!
Today I spent with high school juniors in a life skills simulation. Some were really into it, and some…not so much. And whoever it was – I tried to bring a little laughter and light-heartedness to their day (while taking their fake money…since that was part of my “job” for the day!). Good fun!!! (just like I KNOW you bring to all aspects of your life!!)
Happy Birthday Kim!
After my 7 yr old son’s bath time today, I ignored all the dirty dishes, laundry and rest of the chores I was supposed to do and instead we used towels as capes, pretended to be flying superheroes and flew around in our living room, laughing and giggling and having the best time :)
Happy Birthday Kim! After my 7 yr old son’s bath time today, I ignored all the dirty dishes, laundry and rest of the chores I was supposed to do and instead we used towels as capes, pretended to be flying superheroes and flew around in our living room, laughing and giggling and having the best time :)
Happy Birthday Kim!
After my 7 yr old son’s bath time today, I ignored all the dirty dishes, laundry and rest of the chores I was supposed to do and instead we used towels as capes, pretended to be flying superheroes and flew around in our living room, laughing and giggling and having the best time :)
Wow. As I finish up this amazing birthday, I am overflowing with joy, as I read all of these stories and wishes. SO MUCH fun was had today… thank you! You guys inspire me! HUGS and LOVE to you all!
P.S. I cannot WAIT to share what fun I had today…a blog post is coming soon. (memories were made, for sure!)
Happy Birthday Kim! Even though it was late and we were both stressed out from a long day, we found time to honor you with this photo shoot! As soon as we broke out the costumes and props we cracked each other up and it shifted our moods. So Kim and Jason, THANK YOU for giving us the gift! Sometimes we just need permission and a little encouragement to go out and play!
Funny pictures, gang!
Played Legos with the boy. Happy whatever year it is for you!
Happy Birthday (yesterday), Kim! I had my niece and nephew over last night and we made up our own language while doing arts and crafts. Hope you had a wonderful day!
Happy birthday, Kim! We went to my grandparents house tonight for my Grandpa’s 88th birthday! To fight adultitis, we all measured (and remeasured) ourselves on my grandmas closet door – a record of all of our family’s heights since 1954. Then we stood back and compared like we used to do since we were kids. I haven’t looked at that door in over 6 years and my children had yet to be marked on it. So much fun!!! The best part, seeing where I measured my dolls on the door when I was younger and talking to my boys about how our stuffed animals are people, too! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!
Happy Birthday Kim! Hope you had a great birthday. Took my grand babies to lunch and we had dessert FIRST…..they loved it.
Happy Birthday Kim! Hope you had a great birthday. Took my grand babies to lunch and we had dessert FIRST…..we had so much fun!
Happy Birthday! I’m going to Guatemala. Holy Mackerel! I’ll bring you back something very colorful :)