I have never worked in a cubicle (I’m not counting my nightmares), but I have worked in quite a few jobs in which I swear the hands on the time clock were engineered to go backwards every few hours. Fortunately, those jobs were stepping stones for me; catalysts that would inspire me to never slip into a career that bored me. So far, so good.
If you’re stuck in a job that started out as a stepping stone but has morphed into a well-worn rut, you may want to take a long hard look at your life. Seriously, follow those last three links and read up.
For those of you perfectly content sticking it out in your mind numbing jobs (because hey, the benefits are spectacular!), check out this video. As On The Lot wunderkind director Zack Lipovsky shows us, there are still some cheap ways to fight the office Adultitis brought on by long days at boring jobs.
[tags]On the Lot, Zach Lipovsky, cubicle, boring careers, Adultitis[/tags]
If you can’t do what you love, love what you do. It’s very true. There are ways to make any job better.
Never give up on enjoying your work – unless you win lotto you’ll probably be doing it for a long, long time.
Yes, it’s funny how many people suffer through their jobs, working for the weekend, when they’re spending 70% of their days at work. Not enjoying 70% of the days you’re alive seems to be a certain recipe for an Adultitis outbreak.