I was reminded the other day by my dear friend Patty that Halloween is awesome because it’s just plain fun. There’s no stress or hoopla associated with gift giving, wrapping presents, or coordinating family visits. It’s just silly and playful…a great way to annihilate Adultitis. So, don’t let this opportunity for some childlike fun during the month of October pass you by. Here are 31 ideas to help you Escape Adulthood this Halloween.
1. Put a face on a pumpkin. Get creative! (If you do it at work, have everyone vote for the best one. The winner gets a free lunch!)
2. Dig out your old overalls, pick up some straw at your local Straw-Mart, and scare those crows away once and for all.
3. Do the haunted house thing with a group of people.
4. Get in costume! You don’t have to spend a lot of money, either. Here are some homemade costume ideas.
5. Enjoy the scary/silly songs of the season. Do the Monster Mash or look for the One-eyed, One-horned, Flying Purple People Eater!
6. Print your boring memos on bright orange paper.
7. Enjoy the classic Charlie Brown “Great Pumpkin” Halloween special.
8. Decorate your cube. Bring in some pumpkins and gourds. Hang some orange lights (preferably pumpkin shaped), add some fall flowers, cobwebs, creepy creatures, and even a tombstone.
9. Add pumpkin seeds to your menu…roast ’em, toast ’em, and even spice ’em.
10. Savor a mug of hot apple cider with melted caramel on top. Mmm!
11. Get a group together and rent a scary movie. Make sure to turn the lights out!
12. Hide fake bugs or rodents in your kid’s bed.
13. Wear Halloween novelty socks in anticipation of the big day.
14. Paint your fingernails or toenails with orange and black polish.
15. Watch Michael Jackson’s Thriller video!
16. Make some popcorn balls. Then again, maybe not.
17. Share the sugar! Keep a bowl of Halloween candy on your kitchen table or desk.
18. Create your own haunted house! Make sure to include some eerie sound effects, use different colored lights, dig out the glow in the dark paint, and include some petrifying props like scattered body parts and bats hanging from the ceiling.
19. Make some real homemade pumpkin pie, don’t forget the Cool Whip.
20. Watch an episode of The Addams Family (while eating some dark chocolate M&M’s).
21. Make some dirt dessert, with Oreos, whipped cream and gummy worms.
22. Have fun carving a virtual pumpkin online.
23. Buy a bag of spider rings and pass them out to strangers when you run your errands.
24. Hand out candy to the neighbor kids for the big night….make sure you’re in costume too!
25. Send Halloween e-cards to your distant friends and family.
26. Use food coloring to make your meals more fun and freaky, like black orange juice, green mashed potatoes, and purple apple sauce.
27. Bring back some fun memories by looking at old photos of Halloweens from your childhood.
28. Host a grown-up costume party. Have guests come dressed as what they wanted to be when they were 5-years-old. Serve “nuclear waste” punch in a witch’s cauldron, with hand-shaped ice (freeze water in a disposable latex glove). Have fun with the details!
29. Make some classic caramel apples and share them with your coworkers.
30. If you don’t like to touch the guts of your pumpkin then decorate via paint.
31. Brush up on tips for killing zombies.
My favorite way to celebrate Halloween – or get ready for it – is to dig out the CD of creepy Halloween sounds I have (chains clanking, wind moaning, doors creeking, you get the idea). I turn out ALL the lights, light a few candles, and turn on the CD. It certainly gets you in the Halloween mood! When I was a kid, we had a record with those sounds and the stereo was right next to the front door. My father LOVED playing that and scaring the kids that came to the door! Talk about trick AND treat! It’s still my favorite Halloween memory.
Kim, you’re a girl after my own heart! I love all this stuff! The candy, the monsters, the dark chocolate M&M’s (though orange double-stuff Oreo’s take the cake!)
Linus and the Great Pumpkin, Addams family 1 & 2 (side note here – my maiden name is Adams so extra fun for me), cobwebs, spider rings, and candy-candy-candy!
I’ve dedicated every Friday this month to Halloween on my blog so stop by and take a look.
Great article! By the way did you see that Walmart has a One-Eyed One-Horned Flying Purple People Eater for sale? I’ve gotta buy him!
Hmm. . .think I’ll have to have a pre-Halloween scary movie fest this weekend. Sounds too good to pass up.
How fun…and spooky! I love it!
Sounds like your father was a playful guy! What a gift to pass on to you!
I love what you’re doing with your Friday posts! Very fun!!
I did NOT know about Walmart having the “One-Eyed, One-Horned”… I’ll have to check that out!! Thanks!!
Enjoy the fun of these final weeks of October!!!
Fantastic ideas, guys! This is going to be so much fun! Lol! :)
The Michael Jackson Thriller video is one of the most famous video clips of all time. That single film clip changed the way film clips were both produced and viewed. A 14 minute video clip was unheard of for the time and it set the world records for “Most Successul Music Video”. Thriller was seen as a mini-movie and completely different from the “band standing in front of a camera playing their song” type of film clip. It was the first of many video clips that Michael Jackson would produce that were spectacular in their production. .
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