Halloween is the best. Costumes, candy, and a good scare — who could ask for more!? We’ve created a ton of things over the years with the sole purpose of helping you avoid being haunted by Adultitis this time of year. This post is a collection of some of our greatest hits. Read, watch, and listen your way to the best Halloween since you were six!
Recipes for Boogers on a Stick. An interview with a guy who sports several Halloween tattoos. And more tips than a witch could shake a broomstick at. Don’t miss any of these treats:
9 Gross and Gruesome Halloween Treats
How to Make This the Best Halloween Since You Were a Kid
29 Awesome Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Designs
31 Ways to Escape Adulthood This Halloween
The Official Drink of Halloween
Hi ho video! Take gander at the video from our live Halloween show and chuckle at some very helpful public service announcements regarding candy and costumes.
5 Things You Must Do This Halloween – EA Show #43 (LIVE)
Fire up the iPod and listen to some classic online radios shows in which we share some great (and easy) costume ideas, talk with a guy who makes gory monsters for a living, and discuss whether or not we think adults are ruining Halloween.
EA #36: 6 Easy But Awesome Halloween Costume Ideas
EA #37: Toby Sells on Making Monsters for Movies & TV
EA #38: Are Adults Ruining Halloween?
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sure would like to hear your take on the best and easiest home-made halloween costumes… i need ideas!
Jill, We posed the question on our Facebook Wall…there are some interesting ideas there:
Hope this helps!