Thanksgiving is nine days away (which means our due date is just seven!). This time of year it’s important to enter into a reflective state of gratitude and happiness. Too often Turkey Day sneaks up so quickly and is gone so fast, leaving us in a turkey coma that we awake from in panic about all that needs to be done in the short couple weeks before Christmas. Take a moment this week before the holiday to spend some time being grateful. Kids naturally know how to maintain perspective, aligning their priorities more effectively than even the most effective life coach. Their secret? Time. They appreciate the importance of spending time with others and being present. So, make the time to reflect on your own and with those you love over the next week about what fills your heart with gratitude.
On my chilly morning walk this morning (just 28 degrees!) I came up with 5.5 things I am truly grateful for this November…
1. I am thankful I get to walk this journey with my best friend right next to me, holding my hand… and these days, tying my shoes and helping me up off of couches. Jason is so patient! While teaching kindergarten I noticed that there was a lot of talk about friends. “Will you be my best friend?” “He’s not my friend anymore.” “You can be my friend.” Friends were a big deal. They still are! What a blessing it is to be married to my best friend.
2. No matter what your reaction was on election night, it is quite remarkable that we live in a country that has come so far in the civil rights movement. Yes, it’s taken a long time, but none-the-less, Martin Luther King’s dream is more of a reality everyday. How very cool!
3. Every once in a while your path crosses with someone who impacts you in such a way that you leave a better person. Jason and I had an experience like that last year at the National Speaker’s Association Convention in San Diego. We met Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, a true giver of knowledge and love. He embraced Jason and I (complete strangers) as if we were his grandkids. His sincerity was simply unmatched. He passed away last month at 81 years old. I am truly grateful that our lives connected for those brief moments, as my life will forever be impacted.
4. One of the most popular questions Jason and I get asked in interviews has to do with adults living with chronic pain and illness. Is it possible to maintain the lifestyle we encourage, living life with less stress and more fun, amidst the daily struggle of pain? I often use my dad as an example, as he’s been living with Rheumatoid Arthritis for my entire life. He is an example of someone who stays positive, playful, and maintains perspective from day to day. His faith is the reason for his awesome attitude. I am grateful that I have his example. Thinking about this common question, I am so thankful for my health. “They say” you don’t know what you got until it’s gone. I think health and mobility are so easily taken for granted when you’re feeling well.
5. Jason and I recently became active on Facebook, a site that helps you “connect and share with the people in your life.” It’s been truly cool to reconnect with people I haven’t spoken to in decades. There are a lot of social networking sites out there, so Jason and I have been hesitant to become involved in all (or any) of them. Facebook is a good fit for us, though. There’s something very cool about having an easy way to say hello to the folks who have drifted out of your day-to-day. If you’re not on Facebook, check into it. If you are, be sure you declare yourself a “fan” of Kim and Jason, which will give you access to a bunch of cool things. You can visit our page here.
5.5. I would be remiss if I neglected to mention the BIGGEST reason for my joy and gratitude at this moment. Jason and I are in awe of the miracle that we are about to experience, having our first child. Please keep us in your prayers as it all unfolds here. With our due date being so soon it could be any time.
What about you?
What are you most thankful for this November?
What fills your heart with a spirit of joy that is unmatched by even the best piece of pumpkin pie (with whipped cream on top)?
I didn’t realize your due date was so close! How exciting! Maybe you’ll have a little Thanksgiving pilgrim or Indian- after you’ve had your fill of turkey, of course.
The thing I’m most thankful for this year is that I’m content with what I have. That’s not to say that I don’t want more things, more success, a different home, etc…, but I’ve realized that none of those things make or break me or my ability to enjoy life. I was trying to make a Christmas list for my parents and I realized that there is absolutely nothing I want that I can’t live without. I have all of my needs met and I’m content. It hasn’t always been that way so I’m quite thankful that I’ve reached this stage of maturity!
I didn’t realise it was so close either! I shall be thinking of you in the coming days and can’t wait to meet the new arrival via this blog. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, whether it’s just the two of you or whether you are three by then.
IT sounds cliche, but I’m truly grateful for my & my family’s health. And chocolate. And coffee. :)
I’m thankful that I only have 7 more weeks left of this pregnancy. At this point with each baby I start pining for the day I get to see his/her face. I’m also desperate for the heartburn to cease.
I’m thankful for my husband, his determination, bravery, gooberness, joy, faith, and the way he leads our family.
I’m thankful for my 6 children – I could go into detail on each one but I’ll just say they’re awesome and leave it at that.
And, I’m thankful for you guys for making me smile each morning.
Your due date is coming up? Hooray! :-)
Oh wait, this is a year old.
At first glance we view what seem several pretty flowers.
“Big Love” by Pete Heller was voted Underground
12-inch Dance Record that same year. Our unconscious mind can easily see, feel and hear this unlimited method to
obtain love and goodness.