The 3rd Annual Kim & Jason Virtual Halloween Parade was another resounding success. We get more entries every year, which makes judging all the more challenging. There was wailing and gnashing of teeth, but when the dust settled, these were the winners:
Fun Size Award
You know how Halloween candy has been shrunk down to “Fun Size,” which is code for “How Small Can We Make This and Still Convince You to Pay Us Money For It?” What’s fun is how they trick you into eating the equivalent of 735 full-size candy bars before you realize what hit you.
But I digress.
Well, this is a “fun-sized” version of Audrey Hepburn. Fewer calories than the candy equivalent, but just as sweet!

Best Dynamic Duo
It’s Agnes and Minion from Despicable Me. Well done kids, well done!

Taking Things To A Whole Other Level Award
Amanda’s daughter Nevaeh wanted to be a Barbie for Halloween. Amanda thought that being a Barbie was a little “blah,” so instead…
I made her a “Barbie Box.” She was Barbie in a box for Halloween. In her box I taped in accessories with clear tape, to make it look more like a Barbie box. I took pictures of her in her costume, blew them up and put them on the back of the box with captions, the back also has a Mattel logo, a barcode and Barbie head logos. One side has her name writen down the side with the Barbie head logo and the other side has “Barbie” writen down it with a Barbie head logo also. I really enjoyed making this for my daughter and she loved it. :)
We do too, Amanda! Well done!

Best Doppelgänger Award
This costume is a few years old (circa 1985 and ’86), which only makes it all the more remarkable. Bill Robbins “bears” a striking resemblance to a famous punky QB and Chicago icon, Jim McMahon. Only one of the four photos here is the real Jim McMahon — can you guess which one? (Hint: it’s the black & white newspaper pic.)

The Seriously, Not Just Anybody Can Pull This Costume Off Award
This one goes to Ryan Haack, who went as songwriter and performer, Tony Memmel. (Who just so happens to have been born without a left forearm.)

In related news, you have to check out the awesome costume fellow professional speaker and paralympian Josh Sundquist put together. He wasn’t an official entry into our Halloween parade, but if he were, he would have won a “major award.”
Best Group Costume (Runner-Up)
It’s always fun to see a whole family dressed up in the same costume, especially in this case, where the kids’ birth order breakdown works out perfectly. Granted, Jack Jack isn’t wearing a mask, but no one wanted to force the issue and risk having him turn into a goblin with an attitude problem.

Best Group Costume
This family emerged at the last minute to take the prestigious Best Group Costume Award for the second straight year! (They embodied the Tortoise and the Hare last year.) Here’s what Phyllis had to say about this year’s costume:
Our son wanted to be a piggy for Halloween. So we added a bow tie to his front and a coin to his back so he could be a piggy bank! Daddy was a hammer. (To crack open the bank. Eeek!) Mommy and future brother-or-sister were change for the bank! I hope you like them. We had fun making & wearing them! :)

Not Eligible to Receive An Award Award
Our family teamed up with two of our best friends to transform into The Avengers. I think we rocked it. Although we can’t give ourselves an award (because it would be incredibly lame), we do have every right to be proud of our effort and show it off to you here, because this is our blog, after all.
Each of our award winners will all be receiving a special “Trick or Treat” goodie box with items from the Kim & Jason Lemonade Stand. A special thanks to everyone who submitted photos — it was so fun to see everyone’s creativity on display!
Check out all of this year’s entries, as well as the winners from previous years:
• 2010
• 2011
Awesome! Thanks Kim & Jason.
I always wanted to win an award as a “Punky Doppelgänger”
…and now you’ve made my dream come true!
All the costumes posted were great and your Avenger family and friends costumes should have won it all!
Thanks Bill. The likeness of you and Jimmy Mac is really quite remarkable. Although I hear he’s bald on top these days…