• Oh man, every single one of these snow sculptures is just awesome.
• Ever wonder what your old toys are worth? The original Teddy Ruxpin can fetch up to $1,000, and old Matchbox cars can go for even more!
• An interesting article on the downsides of testing. This one really struck a chord: “Tests make teachers hate teaching and kids hate learning.”
• Breakfast cereal is the savior of these popcorn balls, which I’d normally despise.
• Our family has been smitten by the video of Maroon 5 crashing a bunch of weddings. It has been on constant rotation at our house. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s worth a watch. I dream of being able to do something that would give people this much joy! Also, here’s another video of how it really went down.
Finally, some posts from around here you may have missed:
• Where’s your secret hideout?
• How to make good things happen
Hey I know that camp!!!! This snow sculpture is at a camp in New Jersey where my former boss is the director. He sent me the photo before it went viral. I almost feel famous.