Overwhelmed and burned out by the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season? Experience a unique shopping experience that will bring you back to the simplicity of childhood and help you recapture some Christmas magic!
We’ll be donating 5% from every sale to the Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Wisconsin. Plus, if you bring a present for a wish kid,* you can take an ornament from our tree to win prizes like free Christmas cards or a $100 shopping spree!
Stop by the Kim & Jason Headquarters at 315 S. Baldwin St. in Madison, WI.
Open daily 11 am – 7 pm…For 12 Days Only! (Saturday Dec. 8 – Wednesday Dec 19)
- SAT DEC 8 — decorate a christmas cookie
- SUN DEC 9 — create your own paper snowflakes
- MON DEC 10 — reindeer food factory
- TUE DEC 11 — make your own ornament
- WED DEC 12 — build a gingerbread house
- THU DEC 13 — frosty the snowman design contest
- FRI DEC 14 — mistletoe making
- SAT DEC 15 — meet santa claus (1-4 pm)
- SUN DEC 16 — gourmet hot chocolate day
- MON DEC 17 — create an edible snowman
- TUE DEC 18 — decorate a stocking
- WED DEC 19 — free gift wrap day
*Make-A-Wish Gift Ideas
Gifts for boys and girls ages 2 to 18 are needed. Help make a child’s wish-come-true even more special. When wish granters meet with a wish child and his or her family they take presents for all the children as icebreakers. All items must be new and stuffed animals must have tags attached.
Here are some ideas to get you started: Gift cards to Best Buy, Target, Wal-mart, etc. (for teenagers), any Disney®-themed item, especially autograph books and stuffed animals, hand-held electronic games (to play at airport/ on plane), remote control cars, lotion or body splash (for teenage girls), board games and puzzles.
Daily Highlights
Day One: The Kickoff and Cookie Decorating
Day Two: Paper Snowflakes
Day Three: Making Reindeer Food
Day Four: Homemade Ornaments
Day Five: Gingerbread Houses
Day Six: Frosty The Snowman Designs
Day Seven: Mistletoe Making
Day Eight: Meet Santa!
Day Nine: Gourmet Hot Chocolate
Day Ten: Edible Snowmen
Day Eleven: Decorating Stockings
Day Twelve: Giftwrapping
- The Isthmus Daily Page Previews 12 Days of Wishmas
- NBC-15 covers opening day (see videos below)
NBC-15 News at 10
NBC-15 News at 6
Sounds fun. Send me a plane ticket to come. ;) Hope it’s a successfully fun time!
It should be, Libby! We’ll be posting updates on the blog…
We love your stuff and watch for these sales. We had a great time a few years back at your beach bash. We will try to stop, but if we can not make it we’ll be sure to pass this email on to others. thanks for all you do.
Valerie Bultman and Jacob “Wish Kid” (Steph M’s sister from Yaharä)