“I enjoy sleep like a good steak.” Bill Cosby said this, and I couldn’t agree more. …
[Read more...] about A Simple and “Delicious” Way to Ambush Adultitis
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“I enjoy sleep like a good steak.” Bill Cosby said this, and I couldn’t agree more. …
[Read more...] about A Simple and “Delicious” Way to Ambush Adultitis
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Jason and I are determined to get to the end of our lives with no regrets. It's our life's work. So, having said that, I pose a question that challenges me big time: How much "mommy guilt" is normal? …
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I met Kevin and his family when I was in college. They were very involved in the church I attended. Such cool people; kind, warm and welcoming. The parents modeled a marriage worth emulating. Kevin reminded me of me when I was his age: brown curly hair, smart and thoughtful, a little bit shy. I’d lost touch, but was recently saddened to hear that Kevin, just twenty-three years old, was battling leukemia. He had been in Texas getting treatment and fighting hard, but with the cancer on the verge of winning the war, he returned this past September to spend his final months at home. Kevin’s …
[Read more...] about What I Learned From One Family’s Battle with Leukemia
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I LOVE Ben's cheeks! Seriously, I just can't get enough. I munch on them, pretending to eat them (which always gets a smile from Lucy). I rub my own cheeks on his. I walk across the room JUST to kiss them. Every time I absorb their cuteness my heart overflows with love. It's the best feeling in the world. They are just there for the taking and I can't help myself, doggonit. His chubby little cheeks, his adorable smell, his little gurgling noises -- I am savoring them all. This time is fleeting. He's already changing so much. Rather than dread the loss of these amazing stages, I …
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A few years ago, I drew a portrait of Lucy for Kim as a Christmas present. She loved it. I'm not sure I truly thought through the ramifications of that gift. After all, there was no way I could NOT do another one the following year. And now that we've had another kid, I just doubled my workload! …
[Read more...] about How To Make Someone Feel Like The Cat’s Pajamas
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Over my holiday break / paternity leave / month of sleeplessness, I watched a video by illustrator Will Terry in which he demonstrated his technique for creating art on his iPad. I'd played around with doing art on my iPad but was never able to get comfortable with it (or at least the feeling of being an untalented hack with two left hands). But something amazing went off in my brain while watching Will's video, and I thought, "Hey! I can do that!" So I decided to give it another try. The S'Mores image was my first official work done entirely on the iPad. I had so much fun with it that I …
[Read more...] about Best Friends Forever (Art Made On My iPad)
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How’s your New Year’s resolution going? If you’re like most people, you either thought to yourself, “Wait, what was my new year’s resolution?” or just descended into a shame spiral. Me, I’m not a big fan of resolutions. Instead, I like to choose a word of the year. …
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Ben is five weeks old, which means we have officially survived "hell month," as many call it. Our first month included the holidays -- yikes, what a crazy marathon! I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a challenge, but it's all behind us now. Joy is at an all time HIGH when I'm holding Ben. He is the chillest little man I've ever met. I just can't get enough of his baby smell and adorable little noises. By far, the suckiest part of the whole "new baby" scenario is the night feedings -- getting up every 2-3 hours really tests my sanity -- and by late afternoon if I haven't managed to sneak in a …
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"Dream On" by Jason Kotecki. Made with Phostoshop. Now available as a free download for Kim & Jason Insiders! You can print it out on your home printer and hang it on your fridge, in your office, or anywhere else that makes you happy. …