• You guys! This video is the funniest I’ve seen in a long time. If you’ve ever thought toddlers resembled tiny drunk people — and seriously, who hasn’t? — you will love it. (via Kottke)
• I am in LOVE with these itty bitty letters from the World’s Smallest Post Service. They’re made by hand with love by the amazing Lea Redmond at Leaf Cutter Designs.
• As if those tiny letters weren’t cute enough, what about using them as official correspondence from the Tooth Fairy?
• As Kim and I venture deeper and deeper into the adventure of homeschooling, we find ourselves increasingly more interested by the idea of unschooling. It’s basically the idea of forgoing a traditional curriculum in favor of putting faith in a child’s natural hunger for learning and letting their interests lead the way. After reading this post by Leo Babauta, it’s easy to see why we’ve been smitten: If You’re an Entrepreneur, You Should Unschool
• Lori from Tiny Buddha has a list of 33 Ways to Be Childlike Today. How many can you accomplish today? As a self-proclaimed “professional permission granter,” I love #4: “Fill out your own permission slip to go to the aquarium, a museum, or a nearby tourist attraction. If something looks interesting, take a break and go!”
• An Adultitis-free coffee mug if there ever was one!
• “How many things do you do because you’re supposed to, because your relatives and neighbors expect it, because it’s easy and you don’t have to think about it? How many of those things are taking you and your kids in a positive and healthy direction?” These are some questions Sandra Dodd asks in her post, Rejecting a Pre-Packaged Life. (It reminds us of our “Rules That Don’t Exist.”) Read on for her suggestion of something you might want to try focusing on instead of happiness.
• These smiley face screws are 100% Adultitis-free and made of awesome.
Finally, some posts from around here you may have missed:
• Dude Transforms Deck into Pirate Ship
• Edge of Expectation
• Behind the Scenes: Studio Tour
A couple of the comments left about the lego mug made me laugh… talk about Adultitis in action!