Kim and I always do something childlike on our anniversary. One year we went to the circus. Another time we visited Toys "R" Us on Times Square. This year, we took the kids to Medieval Times. Actually, that happened the day AFTER our anniversary. On our real anniversary, our sister-in-law watched the kids so we could play hooky and have lunch on a beautiful day. (Pretty childlike in its own right, I guess.) At lunch overlooking Lake Monona, we had a chance to chat about many things, gloriously uninterrupted. We reminisced about our anniversary adventures. We talked about the logistics …
What Are The Chances?
I can't imagine having a better business partner, wife, or friend than Kim. When I slow down enough to pay attention, it's really quite amazing how well we fit together. And it boggles my mind how many things had to go right in order for me to meet her. A whole lot of dominoes had to fall just so in order for us to end up at that Oogie's restaurant in that small Illinois town on the same December night with the purpose of singing Christmas carols. (Even though our reasons for being there were quite different.) I mean seriously, winning the lottery might be more mathematically likely. Is …
Making Memories Stick: One Sentence Daily Journal
My memory stinks. And I'm not even forty. Perhaps that is why I am so interested in simple ways to record the cool stuff that happens in my life. Then when I'm old I can actually have some idea of what I spent my life doing. …
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When It Comes to Relationships, Our Days Are Numbered
4,363 days. That's how many days Kim and I have been married, as of this writing. I was inspired to figure this number out after attending a breakout session by Steve Wilson at the AATH (Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor) Conference in Chicago last weekend. He explained that he and his wife Pam don't count the years they've been married, but the days. And if you were to ask either of them on the spot what day they were on, they'd be able to tell you. (I want to say it was over 10,000.) And here I thought I was lucky getting hitched in 2000 because I'd always be able to …
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You Are The Milk to My Cereal
Pretty much how I feel about my wife. I lucked out big time. [ You Are The Milk To My Cereal. Acrylic, graphite, and Sharpie on newsprint. 10 x 7 inches. ] …
Ode To My Parents
"I've come to realize that making it your life's work to be different than your parents is not only hard to do, it's a dumb idea." -- Paul Reiser, Familyhood …
14 Super Fun (and Thrifty) Ways to Say I Love You
Valentine’s Day is the holiday of love. Well, at least according to Hallmark. The stores are saturated in pink and red, the calendar has that pesky little fine print next to the fourteenth day of February, and the pressure is huge to commemorate the big day with your sweetheart. That often means roses, chocolate, a dinner out…zzzzzz…oh, sorry, I drifted off there for a second. Valentine’s Day may be one of those obligatory holidays, but it’s never a bad thing to show someone how much you care, and it needn’t be boring. Your honey deserves more than ho-hum! And the fun ideas that follow won’t …
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How Many Kids Can You Really Have Before Adultitis Takes Over?
Does having more kids increase your chances of Adultitis? If so, how many kids can you have before it takes over your life completely? …
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Four Magic Words For Helping Those You Love De-stress
For our prenatal care with Lucy's pregnancy and now with baby #2, Jason and I have had the good fortune of being under midwifery care. It's truly been a gift that I am humbled by because of the attention, level of care, and love we receive from our midwives. All of our appointments are at least an hour -- typically 75-90 minutes -- and they come to our home (SUPER awesome with a 2-year-old). Most couples not working with a midwife say, "What are you talking about all of that time? Our appointments are usually only 20 minutes." Well, it usually comes down to four simple words they ask, …
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Life Is Good. But Would You Like It To Be Better?
Most people are striving to make their lives better. Even if they are already pretty good. Unfortunately, we too often get caught in the trap of thinking that more is the same as better. It’s not. (At least not as much as we think it is.) …
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