Hey guys! I'm trying to mix things up and try my hand at video blogging. This one is about a question I've been pondering: Can I get rid of half of my possessions? …
[Read more...] about Less Is More; Experiments in Family Minimalism
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Hey guys! I'm trying to mix things up and try my hand at video blogging. This one is about a question I've been pondering: Can I get rid of half of my possessions? …
[Read more...] about Less Is More; Experiments in Family Minimalism
- - - | written by Jason on | - - -
- - - | written by Jason on | - - -
I've never met anyone who didn't want more memorable experiences with their family. No one ever said, "Nope, we bond so often and laugh so much and do so many fun things together as it is, I don't think we need any more, thank you very much." Actually, it's quite the opposite. …
[Read more...] about The Pajama Run: Essential to Your Family’s Mental Health
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[ Click the image to get your own Pokey is Missing t-shirt at the Lemonade Stand. ] We sure spend a lot of time focusing on (and worrying about) the big stuff. You know, things like the economy. Unemployment. Health care. War. Nuclear meltdowns. Big, important, paralyzingly scary stuff. And yet. …
[Read more...] about Pokey is Missing (and Why That’s Good for You)
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My daughter Lucy recently turned two. But I still remember a lesson I learned when she was just a few months old. It is a lesson for which I have countless audiences members to thank, as I'm petty sure it will stick with me forever. And it's one of those things that I think applies to everyone, in one way or another, whether you have kids or not. I've been trying to share this little reminder wherever I go. Here's a clip from a speech I gave at a national conference last year: …
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What should you do if you're at a social gathering with friends and the fun grinds to a halt? Or if you're cooped up inside with your family on a rainy day and all the board games are missing their crucial pieces? This episode features an awesome idea that's great for groups of many sizes and will leave you laughing on the living room floor. …
[Read more...] about Adultitis Relief Brief: Silly Soap Operas
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This episode offers a tip on how to get into the Halloween spirit AND banish any Adultitis that may be lurking in your life (or in the lives of your loved ones!) It will teach you a new skill, strengthen a relationship with someone you care about (or a complete stranger), and it costs nothing -- except for a piece of paper. Sweet. …
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We filmed this episode smack dab in the middle of Times Square in New York City. The topic is time. If you're stressed out and feel like you never have enough time to just...b r e a t h e...you'll definitely want to watch this episode and implement the tip we share. Enjoy! [flv:http://www.kimandjason.dreamhosters.com/clubkj_stuff/relief_brief/005-Times_Square.flv 450 255] iPod Version (10.0 MB) …
- - - | written by Kim on | - - -
We recently celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in Key West, Florida. With the little one in excellent hands back home, we had a chance for some good old-fashioned doin' nothing. While soaking up some rays and enjoying the surf, we were hit with some bits of wisdom regarding stressing less and having more fun. So we decided to create a six-part video series sharing some of the thoughts we had while we were in a Key West state of mind. In this tip, Kim explains why it's so important to take the scenic route once in a while, and what that actually looks like in your everyday …
[Read more...] about Key West Wisdom #6: Take The Scenic Route
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We recently celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in Key West, Florida. With the little one in excellent hands back home, we had a chance for some good old-fashioned doin' nothing. While soaking up some rays and enjoying the surf, we were hit with some bits of wisdom regarding stressing less and having more fun. So we decided to create a six-part video series sharing some of the thoughts we had while we were in a Key West state of mind. In this tip, I talk about one of the most important gifts to give your kids and grandkids, and how to go about doing it. Sign up to receive our …
[Read more...] about Key West Wisdom #5: What’s Your Legacy?
On March 17th, we're unleashing a crazy list of 100 things to do, make, or find. You'll have seventeen days to complete as many as you can. Pride and prizes are on the line, and the person with the most points shall be declared the winner and bestowed the title of Grand Shenanigator!