[ Click the image to get your own Pokey is Missing t-shirt at the Lemonade Stand. ]
We sure spend a lot of time focusing on (and worrying about) the big stuff. You know, things like the economy. Unemployment. Health care. War. Nuclear meltdowns.
Big, important, paralyzingly scary stuff.
And yet.
I find it rather interesting that in all the stories I’ve ever heard about people on their death bed surrounded by loved ones, these big, important topics never seem to make the conversation. Instead, we reminisce over shared adventures, inside jokes, and games we played around the dinner table.
These memorable moments — I call them scenes — are the stuff that life is made of. The stuff that really matters in the end.
In today’s modern world, it’s really easy to have a week jam-packed with activities and yet emerge having collected very few — if any! — of these scenes with the people we love most. The sad part is, creating a great scene is not very hard at all.
Anyone who has been to one of my speaking programs has heard me tell the story about hiding Gumby’s good friend, Pokey. If you haven’t, here’s a short clip to catch you up:
Now, playing hide and seek with a little plastic toy is certainly something you could start doing today. Like right now. It’s not rocket science, and may even seem overly simplistic. But as the story I told in the video shows, these little habits of fun can create VERY strong ties with the people we love.
I am thrilled to hear stories of people having their own fun with Pokey. Here’s an account from Lisa Dickey, who saw me speak at an early childhood professionals conference in Chicago last May:
We ordered a large order of Pokeys from your website and have been doing the Pokey game with our school-age children (over 60 kids) and they LOVE it! Every day after school they get back and ask me, “Did you hide Pokey?” We have been hiding it in their backpacks, shoes, coat pockets, etc. When we talked with them about it, we told them that if they found Pokey it is because someone thinks they are special and wanted them to know how special they are. We are making sure that everyone has a chance to find Pokey.
Now, the kids love it so much that we are going to let families buy a Pokey or order one from your website for their kids…the kids keep asking if they can get one for their family. Thanks for sharing that great game! We are LOVING it!
The stories go on (feel free to share yours in the Comments), but the moral is the same: it’s easy to create a scene that sticks with you forever.
Sometimes all you need is a reminder and an idea.
A reminder to take a break from your hectic pace.
And an idea that’s easy and simple and actually fun.
That’s why Kim and I are so excited about a project we’ve been working on for the past year-and-a-half. In about a month, we finally get to share it with you.
We’re calling it The Kim & Jason Guide to Cheap Family Fun.
You’ll be hearing more about it in the weeks to come, but it’s a product in which you get an email a week for whole year (that would be the reminder part), that includes a link to a short and entertaining video (the idea part). In the video we share a completely free (or dirt cheap), easy-to-implement, and outrageously fun activity that will involve the WHOLE family.
We’ve compiled the best ideas we’ve collected over the past decade into one memory-making year of fun and frivolity. And as we’re putting the finishing touches on it, I’m proud to say it turned out really, really good. It’s kind of like having us sit down with you at your kitchen table so we can tell you all of our best stuff.
Hopefully it will serve as a force for good and a tool to help families fight Adultitis and grow closer together.
We’re hoping to release it into the world by the end of April. If you want to make sure you’re the first to hear about it when it’s finally ready, make sure that you’re signed up for our weekly newsletter.
Meanwhile, find yourself a Pokey or a similar friend and start having some fun this week.
Because when Pokey goes missing, the fun is just beginning.
This is AWESOME!
I’m going to start this with my kids today! (not sure what our ‘pokey’ will be, but I’ll figure something out).
I don’t remember where/how I found you guys- but from the SECOND I found your site it struck a nerve with me!
Being in the IM niche (I guess?!) I sometimes struggle with truly being myself, being authentic, etc.
I think you’re both such amazing examples of TRULY doing what makes your heart happy!
I wish you MUCH continued success!
All the best,
Aw thanks, Kim! We’ve found that it’s a whole lot easier being ourselves, and the cool thing is that when you are, people are attracted to you. I’m glad you found your way here, we love having cool people like you join our “small rebellion!”
I attended your speaking engagement at Espiritu Santo Catholic Church in Safety Harbor, FL (I was the new mom of twin girls:). I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your site and emails. When I learned I was expecting twins my life changed; I knew I needed to do something to “mellow out.” Your talk was the perfect follow up to my new way of thinking. Since my girls arrived last August my life has been a whirlwind, and as exhausted as I am I can’t imagine life without them. Each day is a blessing, and one of my favorite things to do right now is eat dessert first! Thank you for sharing the fun and helping people remember to take time to have some! I also want to thank you for telling me “how put together” I was for a mom of twins when you signed my book. You have no idea how much that meant to me! I wish you continued success, I hope to see your family again someday!
P.S. I totally agreed with your thoughts on Disney being an adultitis hospital. It is one of my favorite places to go because you can be a kid again! If you ever need a tour guide or have questions about Disney – look me up. I am a Disney guru:).
So thrilled to have been a source of encouragement for you, Angela! I know what a whirlwind it was to have Lucy, I can’t even imagine what twins would be like! In fact, twins runs in Kim’s side of the family, so perhaps we’ll find out someday — yikes!